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April 15, 2019


I wish there were some things that I would have known when I was younger. And if I could offer one piece of advice to young women, it would be to surround yourself with women you admire. And, I mean, find the women who really INTIMIDATE you.

As an adult, I have consciously surrounded myself with women who are not only my friends, but they are my inspirations, my motivations, and my mood-lifters. Every single one of them inspires me in some way.

I make it a point to keep myself in the company of women who are more intelligent than me, more educated than me, more successful than me, more positive than me, more empathetic than me, more driven than me… I’ve intentionally done this to learn from them, encourage them, and grow with them myself.

It is your job, as a young woman, to rid yourself of the false notions that insecurities prevent you from having the confidence to find people who challenge you. Even the most confident women have insecurities. You deserve to be surrounded by incredible people. Do your best to avoid friends that wallow and enjoy gossip, self-pity, excuses, and negativity. Don’t let your insecurities decide what you deserve.

I’m thrilled when I find a woman who intimidates me. It means that, for some reason, she has highlighted an insecurity within myself that I have an opportunity to work on; a part of myself that has a chance to grow into something better.

And finally, I am at a point in my life where I am confident enough to know that my insecurities are not a stopping point for me. Even the most confident women have insecurities, but they don’t allow those insecurities to cripple them. They use them to become greater than they were before.

And remember, there are women in the world who tear other women down, so they don’t have to put forth the effort to grow. Maybe they don’t think they can, or they believe it’s too much work. Don’t you worry about them. Don’t acknowledge them. Don’t fuel their fire by giving them a reaction. You are above it, and the beautiful life you’re living is your answer to their own gossip and negativity.

Be happy. Be successful. And GROW.

And make sure that those amazing women around you know that you appreciate their love and support.

And at the end of the day, it’s your responsibility to every woman to remember:

“It’s one thing to take the elevator to the top, it’s another if you fail to send it back down for others.”

Thank you to the group of women who inspire me daily. Thank you for picking me up, sticking by me, encouraging me, and giving me advice on how to grow. You make me better than I was yesterday.

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