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April 13, 2019


I have an avocado tree in my small courtyard garden.  A very LARGE avocado tree in my very SMALL courtyard garden. I live in the South of France, near to the Spanish border, on the mediterranean side. There are very few, as far as I know, avocado trees here. I have been told there is one more in my town, a smaller variety, but I have not seen it. My avocados are HUGE! My avocados are GREAT! My avocados keep me in avocado stock from late November, all the way through to June! I am one very lucky avocado tree owner.

This is not JUST a tree. It gives me lessons. I tried to count how many fruits my tree was bearing, at full bloom. Probably over 200! They started falling at the end of November, then STOPPED! First lesson. It teaches me PATIENCE. I can see the avocados, the branches bending in the wind. But they still did not drop over Christmas. Patience, they will fall when they are ready. So, I learn to be patient and wait…….

TIMING. My avocado tree teaches me timing. Things will happen at the RIGHT TIME. We must not FORCE things in our lives. We can be positive and be forward thinking but we also have to know when the universe is holding back, making us wait for the next phase of development, of growth.

LOVE. My avocado tree teaches me LOVE. I have so many avocados at any given time. My friend says ‘ “Why don’t you sell them in the market. People would like to buy your organic avocados”. I decide to share them. I place one ( or two, depending on the generosity of the day’s yield) into my bag. I walk around our small town. When I see a friend, or when I talk to someone new and get to know them, I offer them an avocado with LOVE…. They are always happy to receive my emerald gift, usually with great joy and surprise. I tell them about my tree. They are amazed that I have a tree growing in this region.

MIRACLES! Yes. To me it’s a MIRACLE that I have been blessed with this large, old avocado tree. The tree that teaches me patience, tolerance, sharing, love……. it reminds me daily of the best qualities we humans are capable of giving, if only we could really SEE each miracle, each day. One day at a time……

Post note: I know that avocado trees grow abundantly in the South Americas and other countries. They can all still teach us the same lessons. May all your lives be abundant and full of miracles, big or small. They are there if we look…..

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