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April 15, 2019

The veil

This is to understand the true freedom and ethical power that should develop in humanity. How to respect the culture of each culture, each country and how to reveal the contradictions motivated by groups of people, who break these principles of ethical freedom so that everyone acts?

One enters into ethical power already by oneself, when one feels one’s own identity, one’s need of freedom
and affirmation, to which one adds a will of the freedom of “the other”; this “self” which is the extension of
our being and which is defined by “the other”.

I want by my own freedom, that your freedom be“. This is the only truly achievable ethical principle, and not to explain to the other what he should do. This is achieved by going towards the other, allowing him to be free, listening to him, to dialogue and to build together a common freedom.

It is by traveling around the world, discovering the other and at the same time myself, that I have often wondered about the causes of poverty and the many disparities in the modern world. And why, these same inequalities also exist in my own country, France. And how these inequalities have caused chaos between citizens. The privileged have access to health, education, and all the goods and therefore think to be safe from all misery. They take refuge in their material comfort, without understanding the common bond, that we are One. Imagine that I have a broken leg, obviously that will affect the rest of my body. So if the whole planet is a single entity, where necessarily too much misery can generate an imbalance at all levels, rich and poor included.

So why does this ignorance still exist in our modern societies?

Great is our fault!

If the misery of the poor is not a natural cause, but comes from our institutions, how can we imagine
ourselves in a so-called modern society?

In the way the president and the parliament manages the laws of society and redresses the injustices, it should in the same way allow the respect of human rights. But no, because there is a law of social inequality before the access to health, education, protection from life and death. There is a causal link between misery and disease. It is the institutions, the laws, the lack of respect for human rights that are the cause of misery and imbalances. Likewise for disasters that we tend to think of as being of natural origin, and which are actually human-made. These disasters, such as the fires I witnessed in Indonesia, France and Portugal in over the years, river dewatering, drought and climate change. The real cause is our institutions and societies which scientists have already demonstrated.
Some so-called “natural” diseases are often created by research groups in order to find a vaccine, or a
remedy that can generate a lot of profits. And all these cases, are examples among so many others, of the
old system in which we live, which creates a break in our societies. This creates misery for the comfort of
very few.


For how much longer ?

It is strange to see all these technological advances in the field of communication, the spatial, biological and chemical discoveries and to see that humanity is always in these errors of the past, and does not move forward.
To think that the failings of the disadvantaged do not affect other social classes is to live in ignorance, because what weakens part of humanity  weakens the whole collective, instead of being a more united and strong nation, effective, like mature people who live together. Human history is thousands of years old, and we look at each other with superficial glances, as if we had learned nothing during all these millennia of interactions and that we are simply human. Under our
skins of different colors, there are similar desires, common dreams, swirling universes of thoughts, flashes
of light and an eternal blossoming for life.


Having sought the meaning of life, my only conclusion is commonplace. We are human, life is sacred and it is the only absolute truth to discover. So why seek conflict, in wars of nations, religion and sex … This banal discovery that life is sacred and must be honored, is the simple and most wonderful realization that has reached me. It allowed me to learn and feel what it is to be a sacred woman. This it is what we all need to learn, that freedom is really the future of our beginning of united life. Personal freedom, to be in good health and to have privileges is a blessing. The power to bring that same
freedom to others and in order to reduce discrimination.


The power of individual freedom starts now. Several groups offer free classes to read our rights, to appropriate them as Amnesty International, on their official website. It is our birthright to exist and to feel at peace at home on Earth.


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