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April 24, 2019


Nowadays in the busy and hectic lifestyle, two of the most common diseases affecting the people all around the world is Anxiety and Depression. Yoga is the perfect combination of breathing practices as well as physical practices to strengthen and balance our body mind and soul.

What is Anxiety?

Anxieties are always referred to the feeling of mild or severe uneasiness, like fear of something or worry. Anxiety can be marked out by worrying thoughts, tensions and can be characterized by physical changes like an increase in blood pressure.  This mental disorder is the most common nowadays affecting around 30% of adults. Associated with avoidance behaviour and muscle tension, anxiety can be occurred during the job interview, examination hall or at the time when some important work is going on.

What is Depression?

Although common, still a very serious disease when it becomes a habit, Depression brings negativity in life and in the way someone feels, act and think. Depression usually occurs with the reducing interest in activities which was often enjoyed by the person along with the feeling of sadness every time. It can result in various physical & emotional problems and reduces the working ability and interests of a person.




Here we bring some specific yoga poses which can help to fight with stress, anxiety and depression. Some of these yoga asana are for beginners level but there are some where you need a yoga teacher’s training to get into, try all these and say by-by to stress, anxiety and depression

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose

This yoga asana helps in circulating fresh blood inside our whole body and stretches the cervical spines and neck that in turns helps in relieving from stress. Thus Adho Mukha Svanasana helps in calm down the brain thus it is a very affecting posture in reducing anxiety. The regular practice of this asanas rejuvenates the body and fill up your body with immense energy and relieve mild depression.

 Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold Pose) : Uttanasana or Standing forward fold is a pose of Surya Namaskara series. This asana stretch your hamstrings, hips, calves, and back. By practicing this asana you can calm you mind and relieves anxiety and make your mind quieter.

 Halasana (Plow Pose) : Halasana is an advanced level pose which calm your mind, relief stress and stimulates internal organs. Plow pose stretches the shoulders and hamstrings and keep your spine more flexible.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose) : Upward- Facing Dog pose is a back bending yoga pose which strengthen your shoulder, back mussels and thigh mussels, torso and arms. Help to relieve depression, fatigue and pain of sciatica. Increase lung capacity to relieve the symptoms of asthma.

Sethu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose) : Sethu Bandhasana or Bridge pose stimulates the abdominal organs and helps keep your blood pressure under control,  relax the mind, improves digestion.

Balasana (Child Pose): Balasana is one of my favorite pose of yoga asana, it stretch the hips, thighs, and ankles while reducing stress. Child pose calms our body, mind, spirit and stimulates the third eye point.

Savasana (Corpse Pose): Lie down flat on the mat with your back keep your arms on the side of your body and palms facing the ceiling, this pose is called Savasana or corpse pose. This pose very effective to calm your mind, reduce stress and improve your sleep.


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