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April 10, 2019

Venus – Neptune conjunction – dreamy creative times!

This week we have Venus and Neptune conjunct each other in the dreamy sign of Pisces which is Mutable Water. The energy of Mutable Water represents a high degree of emotional intuition and exchange, as befits Mutable energy.

Venus, as some of you may know, represents truth, beauty, justice, our value system. She also represents that whom we love, and how we love.

Neptune in our astrological chart represents the divine, our highest spiritual vibration. She is also the higher vibration of Venus and represents where our creativity flows through us and not from us.

So when these two planets are blended together in the sky, as they are now, it is a time for manifesting our highest possible vibration, our boundless creativity and love.

We also have Jupiter stationing this week, which means that the energy of this planet which symbolise expansion, wisdom and higher learning is slower than usual. Time to reflect on what we have learnt and consolidate it. We know enough, we are enough.

So go dream big, dear readers, manifest your divine self and your boundless creativity It is your time indeed!



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