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May 1, 2019

3 major Email Marketing Tools you should be using while Lead Generation

At the present time, generating quality leads in order to fill the sales funnel is quite important. It is so because a high availability of leads paves a way for stupendous business growth. However, businesses often face a hard time while handling the lead generation process because of a lack of relevant experience. Owing to the very same reason, specialised lead generation service providers get approached to fill up the sales funnel.

However, businesses can easily generate leads on their own if they try their hand in email marketing. The prominence of email marketing cannot be overlooked as it is the most-effective tactic when it comes to online lead generation.

Here’re some statistics that will tell why email marketing is effective:

  • Over 80% of B2B and B2C enterprises consider email marketing as a major part of their marketing strategies.
  • Emails get opened more than 55% of mobile devices.
  • By means of email marketing campaigns, marketers have witnessed a jump of 760% in their revenue level.
  • Email content gets 6 times more views in comparison with tweeted content.
  • In the case of acquiring new customers, email marketing is far better than social media one.
  • Email marketing ensures 30% better ROI than any other lead generating strategy.
  • In the corporate world, 60% of employees (who use the internet) check unread emails at work.

After being acquainted with these statistics, there should be no concerns regarding whether email marketing can really help to generate a myriad of leads or not.

Today, we will discuss the top 3 email marketing tools that should be used during the lead generation process. So, let’s get started:

1.    Constant Contact

If you search about email marketing tools on the internet, you are likely to come to know about several names, but ‘Constant Contact’ is worthy to give a try as this tool offers great help during the lead generation process. It is highly rated because of its world-class support, webinars, extensive online training, etc. which leads to better success ratio.

Many lead generation service providers situated in the United Kingdom make use of this tool in order to help their clients by providing a throng of quality leads.

2.    MailcChimp

In the list of lead capturing tools, you will always find one name for sure, and it is ‘MailChimp’ because it offers an excellent free plan. And if you send less than 12,000 emails in a month or you have just 2000 subscribers, MailChimp can offer great help. This tool comes with templates, a guide on newsletter creation, a handy knowledge base, etc.

Therefore, if you are running a lead generation campaign and want to secure success, consider Mailchimp right now. Or if you want to stay away from all the clutter, you should avail lead generation services from a prestigious vendor.

3.    Aweber

Last but not least, Aweber is another email marketing tool that has the potential to shower quality leads. By means of this, you can enjoy automated lead generation. This happens because this tool promises a seamless process of creating and sending emails, and also aids in importing content from write-ups to share it with subscribers. What’s more, this tool also offers great analytics.

Put simply, if you want to generate a throng of leads without breaking a sweat, Aweber is the tool you should be using. Or as we said earlier, you can also go for lead generation services of a reputed vendor.

Final few words:

Generating leads has always been one of the tough tasks, however, it is significant to do with perfection as business growth is at the stake. By means of this write-up, we have not only talked about the significance of email marketing but also revealed some tools that can help to get a pile of quality leads.

Do you know about any other email marketing tool which is effective as same as above-listed ones? You can share its name in the comment section.


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