A question woke up in my mind:
If, in a democratic system, everyone has the right to vote, even though the true educated and enough developed conscious citizens’ vote is considered to be much more valuable than the illiterate and little conscious people, then, how will that system be called? And how will it be fruitful?
We have a great purpose behind this plan. Which is our actual human development program. We want to test our plans from different perspectives.
I did not talk about the educated people only. said the people who are well-developed.
When people of high consciousness get the benefits in different fields, then the lagged people will naturally try to rise above. Trying to develop through human development education. With this, there will be opportunities in front of them, so that they can grow rapidly.
To know about our activities, Google search: MahaManan, MahaDharma.
On the other hand, the majority of the people in the country who are illiterate, superstitious, blind-believers, low-conscious people, political parties and governments will try to win their mind and their votes for the majority of people.
Ignoring the demand of the minorities high-conscious people, vote-based political parties and government, Ignoring the demand of the minorities high-conscious people, they will try to meet their downstream needs. As a result, the progress and development of the country will continue to decline gradually.
As the conscious person, his needs will be accordingly. People of high consciousness, along with their own progress, they also want to help all other people to improve their education and spirit. People of high consciousness never have a low mind. They want to develop the country, in the light of their high consciousness.
And the people of low consciousness will naturally want to lower the country. They will want to take the country into the primitive-dark period and they will want to keep it in a primitive state. The thoughts and needs of the people of high consciousness and thoughts of low consciousness can never be the same. Therefore, Their vote value should not be the same.
Low conscious people, without the pressure of special circumstances, will never want their real development. So, in order to win their minds, the vote-dependent (In more part, the government run by the people of lower consciousness and general consciousness) government will not normally want the real development of the country and the people of the country.
That man of nature, he loves people of that nature. So, the low conscious people of the country will want people like them to be minister and prime minister, elected by vote.
Besides, due to the adoption of the reservation system for the low-conscious people in different areas, the people of the country will be harmed by putting low-conscious people in different high posts. The leader of the political party and the ministers of the country will also not develop, will be the lower class people.
I am not talking about high and low caste people here, saying people of higher and lower classes in knowledge and consciousness.
In today’s hybrid people, (according to the conventional concept), people of higher caste, also have many lower conscious people, and there are people of high consciousness even in the underdeveloped lower castes.
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