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May 6, 2019

Ten Tips for Weight Loss

In a world obsessed with being thin and aesthetics, weight loss has become one of the most popular trends that has taken over the world. Remember that it is okay to be unhappy with your appearance as long as it does not stay that way. Focus your energy into transforming your body into a shape that you consider acceptable. Losing belly weight is the goal for most as it is one of the most noticeable signs of fat.

Of course, it goes without saying that you should not base your self worth on how others see you, more specifically, how thin you are. Many weight loss regimens should be done for a positive outlook, good health and improved self-esteem.

To go with these tips, here are Ten Tips To Guarantee Weight Loss:



  • Be Patient


Be patient with your body. When you start a weight loss regimen, you can’t expect to lose 10 lbs all in one week. You need to be patient as it will take a lot of time and energy for you to start losing fat. Another thing that happens is that people give up and overeat. This then becomes counterintuitive and they gain the weight they lost and more. Millions of people around the world are very much familiar with this vicious cycle of deciding to lose weight and giving up.



  • Eat Properly


This is a no-brainer. When you eat, you take in calories. The unburned calories then transform into fat. Eat the appropriate amount of food — nothing more, nothing less. Eating too much, no matter how healthy, would result into weight gain. On the other hand, not eating properly would bring around a lot of health-related problems.

One common mistake that many weight loss people make is to under eat. It goes without saying that the health complications that you will face is not worth losing a couple of pounds.



  • Eat Healthy Fats


One of the worst misconceptions of weight loss is that fat is bad. Politics and misinformation of the 1990s brought a no-fat/low-fat craze which carried through present times. This misconception has created a population that is anti-fat. Unfortunately, it is quite the opposite.

Your body needs good/healthy fats in order to burn the fat that was inside you. You should opt for foods that are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Some great sources include avocados, olive oil, salmon, and peanut butter.



  • Lessen Your Sugar Intake


One thing you have to understand with weight gain is that sugar is one of the leading causes of it. Sugar is composed of two molecules: glucose and fructose. Glucose is vital to everyday life as your body uses glucose for energy. We produce glucose and we have a constant reservoir of it in the bloodstream. However, fructose is not part of our metabolism. When you eat sugar, especially too much sugar, the fructose goes to your liver which is metabolized and turned into fat.



  • Cut Back On Alcohol Intake


Alcohol is filled with sugar. As mentioned above, sugar leads to weight gain and fat. Even if you cut off sugar but indulge with the regular alcohol, then it would be counterintuitive. Beer also gives a bloating effect. Beer is a type of carbonated drink which introduces air into your stomach, expanding it. While one alcoholic drink a day is recommended to help your body relax and for its heart-related medicinal benefits, many do not state that weight gain may also become an additional result. Alternative, you can make your own non-alcoholic drinks at home.



  • Drink Tea


Tea is filled with different spices and herbs proven to speed up your metabolism while also providing many health benefits such as cleansing your body and reducing your stress. Green Tea, for example, is a natural way to lose fat.

Drinking tea instead of carbonated drinks, sugared up juices, etc is also a better way to avoid sugar. Many find it difficult to just drink water 24/7. Tea is a better alternative.



  • Get In The Kitchen and Cook


When you cook for yourself, you control the proportions and what goes into your diet. Normally, store-bought, ready-made food from restaurants and convenience stores are unhealthy, packed with salt, sugar, and other unhealthy chemicals.

Fast food, for example, is known for its deadly-high preservatives. Another good thing about cooking yourself is that you get to choose which ingredients come into your dish. You can go buy organic, high-quality ingredients that have more health benefits than you.



  • Do Regular Exercise


Obviously, the best way to lose fat is to move around and exercise. Regularly working out is one habit that you should instill on your life. Calories are burned when you do workouts. Try to go to the gym once in a while to ensure that you target the areas that you want to tone down. Regular exercise is also something that you should consider as a weight-loss tactic.

Cardio exercises, for example, helps you burn a lot of calories and help you lose body fat. Some popular exercises to do when you want to lose weight are aerobic exercise, walking, running, cycling, and swimming.

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