When something negative happens amongst all the joy happenening it sort of jolts me into a thankful awareness. I know I have control of my peace and attitude. I know how much I care about helping others by doing my most thoughtful work. Instead of allowing the upsetting encounters consume me I have to choose to do something to redirect my thoughts and energy. My coping mechanisms have been to set out into the world around me and do something kind. Whether I do something fresh or new or simply go the extra mile for someone. I create a get well package for a friend. I smile at strangers. I tell a woman how cute she looks in her outfit. I wake up to the world around me even further. We must recognize we have seasons of scarcity and others of abundance. We are forced to incorporate these lessons toward our greater good.
You see, some of us are so accustomed to being taken advantage of that they forget not everyone is out to “get them.” We build our “walls” higher instead of leading our mind in the direction of love or confidence and we allow fear of rejection or failure to consume us. Then the resentment and anger follow creating another element (almost an addiction) to the sensations of pain to protect us from feeling the ucomfortable and invetible sadness that follows rejection and failure. It’s a process I believe we have all had to cope through at one time or another. A spiritual growth and union much like one of grief.
However, it’s not our responsibility to fix others, their perspective or perceptions. We can be empathetic and simply strive towards compassionate truth . The reality is you can only adjust your own proclivities. It is no one else’s job to make us feel a certain way. It is our responsibility to cultivate our own peace and decide what gives us that peace. It’s also pivitol in our growth to understand when someone else’s actions are no longer contributing to our great good and gracefully letting go.
We get to decipher how we go out into the world and how to healthily set boundaries and learn meditations to sheid ourselves fron negative energies. We have to hold our head high with integrity, grace, confidence and strength! It’s our life and we have a choice to do it our way with a lot of guidance and growth!
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