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May 18, 2019

Truth, Transparency, and … Yoga

“Bellofatto from the arc. She shoots! 3 points for Natick!”

Backpedal. Defense. Hustle. Competition. Athlete. Fast-pace. Stop. Go. Life.

First pregnancy. Excitement. Buzz. Miscarriage. Stillness. Quiet. Slow motion.

Yoga really was never on my radar until precisely nine years ago. Six months afer the birth of my first born, my husband and I took advantage of his early bedtime and used the p90X routine together five nights a week. One night was a yoga night. Although I was completely dedicated to Tony’s program, the yoga portion bored me to no end. I would look around my house at the specks of dirt and dust that needed cleaning instead of getting the zen kind of stretching that Tony was asking of me. I decided to take matters into my own hands and find a local yoga class.

My first yoga class was in Charlotte, and I walked out with my legs feeling like Jello. That was totally unexpected. Alas, every Wednesday night, I looked forward to my yoga session in studio. Not only did it quench my unknown need for “me” time, but it also made me feel strong, disciplined, and motivated; some things I lost during motherhood. Ever since then, I have practiced yoga at least once a week in studio, but the effects are ongoing.

Three children (9,6,and 3) later,  and my mat really is my sanity. However, I had to learn how to be unapologetic (“hello mommy guilt!”) and intentional about my time. Self-care is the most important thing we can do for ourselves.  Not only does it help to take care of our mind, body and soul, but self-care is a way to tell those around you, “Hey! Remember me? I’m a person too. I matter. I need to take care of me so that I can be the best person you need me to be.”

It’s not selfish. It’s necessary.

I’ve had friends ask me how I find time to feel peace, balance, and also practice self-care. Usually, I would scoff and say, “You think I have my shit together (insert obnoxious fake laugh)?” But… it got me thinking.

Yoga, for me, is not a thing I do. It’s a lifestyle. I love it and the way it makes me feel and act outside of the studio. Yes, my shit still hits the fan. Yes, my plate is freaking so full that it may break, but the inner warmth, peace, and gratitude that being on my mat brings into each day has aided in how I react to situations. (My secret? I also love that I can do things that my Crossfit friends can’t. Shhh…)

2017 was an enlightening year for me. The short version: Our surprise third child turned two and I was ready for something! I really did not want to drive Uptown two days a week as I was prior doing esthetician work, but I knew I needed something that made me feel like me. I took to meditation, yoga, painting, and being so intentional about my self-care and progression that it became a focus. Here are my tips for allowing yourself to do the same:

1.) Talk to your partner. You have got to set the expectations about what kind of time you need for you. Self-care isn’t something to get done in carpool lane or while grocery shopping.

2) Talk to your family. Again, set those expectations with your entire family, and, yes, even the little ones. Let them know that mommy will not be home x,y, and/or z days or nights.

3.) Schedule it. SCHEDULE it. SCHEDULE IT! Use your phone calendar, pen and paper, the cute lil’ family picture calendar hanging in your kitchen. I don’t care. Schedule your time.

4.) Meditate.  This can be 5 minutes. It can be an hour. Whatever you need to gain perspective, chill out, or become grounded, do it. I love the Headspace app. It’s a great way to have guided meditations for many aspects of emotion.

Once it finally became habit and I felt more like myself, everything kind of seemed more doable, I was more functional, level headed, and conscious of life all around me. I also made the huge decision to go back to work, but this time, from home. It’s been the best choice I’ve ever made. Working with this West Coast, education and mission based company called Beautycounter has been more than I could ever meditate for. It allows me to educate and inspire the people I love to make safer choices regarding personal care products, cleaning, eating, and overall health. Inspiring and empowering others is what makes my heart sing. I really owe all of this happiness and growth to yoga. For if it wasn’t in my life, I wouldn’t have had to courage to say “yes” to personal growth, confidence, and just riding the wave that is life. Yoga is a practice, yes? So is life.

Live it. Fail. Succeed. Cry. Laugh. Love. Hug. Just Try.

You’ll be happy you did. Your heart will sing.

Peace and XO,


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