Real life tips to shift your frequency
As a busy mom of 3, I went from merely surviving to now thriving! I used all the steps I’m sharing below, day in and day out, to get me to where I’m at today. I don’t need to lead a perfect life, because I lead an imperfectly blissful one! I continue to release all the things that no longer serve me to make space for all that does. It was not and still isn’t an easy journey, but one that I wouldn’t change for anything. Once I began to know, trust & believe that I am the creator of my own life and that I am in control…my perception started to shift and so did my vibration!
Step #1: You cannot raise your vibration if you are lingering with feelings of anger, envy, jealousy, etc. Become aware of these feelings, DO NOT SUPPRESS them, rather look into them in a deeper way. Search within to find out where those feelings are rooted. Seek to find what is triggering these feelings within you, once you’ve uncovered the root, now you get to thank that pesky feeling for showing up, you get to release it and you get to trust and allow the Universe has your back. Thanking it for showing up for you to learn and grow. Until you are able to work through these feelings, you will be unable to release them fully and remove the weights that are holding you down.
Step#2: Release toxic people from your life without guilt or shame. When we surround ourselves with people who dim our light, it is impossible to live to our full potential. Removing yourself from toxic circles is something you must do in order to raise your vibration! It’s something you must do to remain in integrity. Avoid gossip & negativity like the plague, your life will be better for it! Remember, there’s no shame in preserving your space and shielding your energy, it’s actually necessary!
Step #3: Detox your body! This isn’t about weight loss, although it could be a side effect of this one! When we fuel our bodies with chemical ridden foods, we are creating inflammation and blocks that surely aren’t serving our highest good. The havoc that we create inside of our bodies creates symptoms on the outside. When we create this state of devastation in our bodies, we cannot raise our vibration and live a life fulfilled. This disruption in our systems creates brain fog, stress, anxiety, sadness, pain, skin issues, digestive issues, etc…. Going through and keeping a food journal is the best way to find what works and what doesn’t work for you. How do you feel after you eat??? If you feel bloated & tired, then that food needs to go!!! Only fuel your temple with foods that energize you and give you life! Act as if you only had one body, because you do!
Step #4: Begin to focus on all the things that are going right in your life and notice more of that! When we choose to focus on the lack in our lives, we tend to create more of the same. The opposite is also true 😉 Life doesn’t have to be perfect to focus on the good. You see, each and every day you have something that can bring you joy. For instance, if you have a roof over your head, that is something good, right? You’ve probably heard or read “ where your attention goes, energy flows”…that statement is true! Make sure you are directing your attention towards the things you want more of ☺ Focus on all the little things, because in the end, you’ll come to realize they were the big ones all along!
Step #5: Be conscious of your thoughts and shift as needed. As a human being we have anywhere from 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day, I understand that it is impossible to be conscious of all of them, however, you can be conscious and pay attention a little more each day. Although you won’t catch them all, every time you do find yourself in one of those negative thought patterns, in that moment, shift it by thinking 3 positive thoughts regarding the same subject! For example, when I catch myself loosing patience because my kiddos are rambunctious and loud, in that moment I shift to : I am incredibly grateful to have 3 healthy children. I am grateful that my children have the energy to run around and scream. I am grateful that my children are happy & safe. In doing this, my energy around the situation shifts immediately. Give it a try! The more you do this, the better you become at it. In doing so you raise your vibration that much more!
Step #6: Be grateful! Gratitude is everything ☺ Every morning wake up and be & feel grateful for all that is and all that is to come. When we lean into the feeling of gratitude, we raise our vibration. When I say this, I truly mean to FEEL the gratitude with every cell in your body. Perhaps your life isn’t exactly what you desire it to be, but when you are grateful for all that IS…you create a frequency for more of that to come along. Everyone regardless of their situation has something to be grateful for. For instance, the fact that you woke up this morning is something to be grateful for as it is a privilege not given to everyone. Having food on the table is something to be grateful for as so many in this world went to bed hungry and woke up with an empty stomach. Be grateful for the clean running water that is coming in your home, again, a privilege not give to all. Be grateful for the sun, the flowers, nature, health, your bed, your clothes….be grateful for all that you have NOW! The Universe understands frequency and wants to match it. If you are basking in these feelings of gratitude, the Universe will want to provide you with more of that! Be grateful for all the things that are on their way too. Feel the feelings of joy that will come once you land that job, that home, that vacation…again, the magic lies in the feelings, so bask in them!
Step #7: Get quiet…in silence we get the answers to all our questions, when we get real quiet and connect within, we can hear the whispers of our soul. When we get still and breathe and just BE, we raise our vibration to new heights! It’s a practice that doesn’t always come easy, because we’re used to the rat race and the multi-tasking and the doing, we’re used to worrying about the past and feeling anxious about the future, all the way wasting away our now…all things by the way, that lower our vibration ;). Even if you can just sit for 2 minutes each day, do just that. As with anything, practice makes us better! Learn to just breathe, focus on nothing but the void. This won’t be perfect as we’re human and again, with 12,000 to 60,0000 thoughts a day, it’s nearly impossible to stop them for any given time. BUT, if you sit in silence and redirect your attention to your breath every time you find yourself straying in the ocean of thoughts pouring into your brain, you are getting in the gap, the milliseconds of stillness and that is where the magic can take place. When you sit and feel your body, every part of it, when you focus your attention on just being, you raise your frequency.
Step #8: Start loving yourself just as you are! This one is a difficult one, I know, but believe me, until you are able to appreciate the person you are NOW, nobody else will appreciate you! Know that your life is unfolding exactly as it should to provide you with the experiences and lessons that are required for you to evolve. Rather than seeing all your flaws, learn to see all your qualities! Learn to love yourself exactly as you are. You are beautiful & unique. You are strong & fierce. You are loved and loving. Use affirmations to reinforce this love for yourself.
Step #9: Move!!! When you move your body in a way that feels good, you create an energy that is contagious. Moving your body also allows you to release toxins that are trapped in your body, leaving space for all that is good. If you don’t like working out, dance, walk, go in nature, find ways to move your body that make you feel good. That euphoria you are experiencing attracts more of just that. This raises your vibration another notch 😉
Step #10: Learn to have fun and take care of yourself!! As adults we tend to take life so seriously! All the responsibilities, the bills, the house, our significant other, our children, our pets, our jobs! Everything seems to become a priority over us. We don’t have time for a bath because we have 20 piles of laundry to get to, we don’t have time to read because everybody needs us and by the time we’re done tending to everyone else, we’re exhausted! We don’t have time to chat with a close friend because we’re surrounded by screaming little humans, we don’t have time for a massage because that would be selfish, we don’t have time to work out because…you see where I’m going with this?!?! I know how it feels, because this used to be the story of my life! STOP and take time for you, to do something that fills your cup and that makes life fun for you, whether that be dancing it off in the living room or reading a book by yourself for 20 minutes with a cup of tea or a glass of wine. Make sure that you are having fun, regardless of what that looks like for you. 15-20 minutes a day…and if you don’t have time to do just that…then take an hour 😉
When you follow these 10 steps, you’ll inevitably be releasing things, people, feelings, thoughts and situations that no longer serve your highest good as you create new life invigorating practices. You’ll be creating a frequency and this will become your new normal. When you fall out of that bandwith, you will feel it and you will without a doubt want to find your way back there as it will feel like home. Raising your vibration is good for your health as a whole, it creates a space for you to create more and to continue to raise your frequency little by little.
This is how you begin to live your best life, every day! If you would like to hear more on the subject or are looking for some support you can find me here:
Love & light to all you beautiful souls reading this,
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