June 22, 2019

How to Ward off Bad Energy using Sage & Palo Santo.



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Have you ever used a bundle of sage and palo santo to ward off the bad energy or envy and to fill yourself up with goodness?

You should, it really works! You light the bundle on fire to clear the energy in your physical space—and you can even sage yourself.

This week’s tip in my Wellness Wednesday series, is to start using sage and palo santo to ward off the bad energy or envy that you feel surrounding yourself—filling up with light and goodness instead.

This video talks about the people in our lives who support us and learning how to get rid of those who don’t.

What to expect from this week’s video:

>> How to use sage and palo santo to clear out bad energy.
>> Advice on how to handle other people’s opinions of you.
>> How to apply this in our everyday lives.
>> A list of affirmations.



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Shilamida Kupershteyn  |  Contribution: 4,420

author: Shilamida Kupershteyn

Image: Author's own

Image: Brittany Colette/Unsplash

Editor: Naomi Boshari