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June 5, 2019

Sugar Plum

My first love was my baby doll, Sugar Plum.

She was given to me by my great grandmother when I was three years old.

She wore a beautiful white long dress with lace at the collar and hem and  a bonnet with while lace trim around the face. Her eyes opened and closed when I laid her down. She even had her own baby bottle.  Sugar Plum’s eyes were blue and her lips were pink.

I was so proud to walk Sugar Plum in her navy blue and white pram.   Just imagine a little three year old girl pushing a little baby doll pram down the neighborhood street holding her great-grandmother’s hand. That vision brings such joy and love into my heart. I can still feel it. The touch of my grandmother’s hand. Soft yet very rough. She was an old polish lady who did not have an easy life. She worked hard taking care of her family. Cooking and cleaning and the love showed in every meal, every dress she sewed and every hug she gave.

I remember the neighbors stopping to look in my little baby doll pram and tell me how beautiful my she was. After our walks I would take Sugar Plum out of her pram, sit on our porch and “feed her”. My great-grandmother would sit next to me on the porch in her rocking chair and smile.

My great-grandmother made matching dresses for Sugar Plum and I. The dresses were white with a polka dot blue skirt, red sash and a flower on the front. That was my favorite outfit.

When my great-grandmother passed away I was a very sad little girl but I still had Sugar Plum. She and I spent a lot of time together throughout my childhood.

I think my first love may have been my great-grandmother as well. Love you Babcia.

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