June 26, 2019

This one’s for the Boys: Next time someone tells you to “Man up.”


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When I was young-ish, I fell in love, got dumped, and felt sorry for myself all in the space of a week.

I probably did that dozens of times, let’s face it.

But this one time, a girlfriend (friend who’s a girl) told me to “man up.” That I was “acting like a girl,” ’cause I was really brokenhearted.

Next time someone tells you to “man up,” tell them real men cry. Real men care. Real men feel sorry for themselves, sometimes, too. And yeah—I get it—I shouldn’t feel sorry for myself, and that’s what she meant.

But we can be careful with our language, and in so doing create a society with kinder men.

Elephant published an article with just that exhortation: “man up.Joe Cyr, a mentor in our Elephant Academy, offered a rebuttal.

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Image: @waylonlewis on Instagram

Editor: Vanessa Boehm