Time and space are beautiful things. They allow us to watch things change, evolve, and transform. It is a gift to be here in a physical form on Earth. It best be realized, appreciated and utilized to the fullest now because now is all there is when it comes to your power. Looking to the past or anticipating the future in all of your present “now” time robs you of your power and control over yourself and your life.
It serves a purpose having the ability to be able to look backward and forward for it allows us to reflect about the past and adapt and change for the future we envision. Be cautious when reflecting though, the past likes to cloud your vision by pulling your feelings and emotions into the mix. It then loses its purpose and causes more harm than good. When looking to the past, it must be done with an objective mind, seeing situations for what they were. Take yourself completely out of the situations as if you didn’t exist and just observe, then connect how your actions and reactions in those situations influenced your present life. This then helps you to know the relationship between present action and future results, as well as to see situations more clearly.
When you look to the past it is not about others and what they did with your actions and reactions. It is about you, why you acted or reacted the way you did and where it has brought you. Forgiveness is key in reflection. Forgiveness, compassion and understanding to the self on its experiential learning journey is like fertile soil for the soul to grow. To focus on another’s actions and reactions in relation to yours is taking the focus off yourself, stripping you of your power and what you really should be seeing and learning. It is solely a distraction from self and ultimately growth.
Think about the word reflection. We have tied this word to the thinking process but that is not what it is about. It is about seeing. It should really be tied to the scientific definition. Let’s think about reflection and light for a moment. Take two reflective surfaces, a smooth surface and a rough, bumpy surface. If you shine light on both of these, how do they reflect back? The smooth one will reflect light back at the same angle it hit the surface all in the same direction. The rough surface will reflect light back in many scattered directions.
This is extremely symbolic when thinking about reflecting about the past. The smooth surface correlates to an objective, detached, observational mind that is reflecting about the past, thus the results reflected back are direct, clear and insightful. The rough surface correlates to a subjective, clouded, emotional mind that is reflecting about the past, thus the results reflected back are scattered, unclear and do not provide any clear insight to be learned. If anything this type of reflection causes more damage.
Where does astrology come in you may wonder? Astrology can be that smooth surface helping to reflect back the objective truth about your past. It then empowers you in your present and future. Any astrological information you have read or been told that does not make you feel empowered and in control of your life is a bumpy surface being reflected back to you and should not be given any energy. Like the picture attached illustrates, reflecting from a smooth surface, a smooth mind, makes everything come full circle.
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