July 11, 2019

How to become Magnetic to Men. ~ Nora Wendel


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I am a man magnet right now.

I have men approaching me left and right these days. They ask to hang out with me or give me comments about what they find attractive about me (“I love your shoes” was one!)⁠.

I smile and welcome their presence. I don’t have to do anything—just be myself fully.

This wasn’t me a few years ago.⁠

I used to fear men. I got an icky feeling when they approached me with what felt like an underlying agenda. I didn’t know what to do. I shrank back instead of leaning into them.

So, I energetically blocked them—made myself small, unrelatable, unsexy, and pretended I wasn’t interested in them.⁠

What changed?⁠

I made the decision that I wanted to feel sexy and wanted to explore relationships with men—big, deep love.

I changed the following six things to become magnetic to men:

 >> I know my desires and wants, and I am not afraid to share them. I’ve done the inner work to know what I want from the outside.⁠ I lean into being vulnerable when I share, and I’ve tackled my fear of “they won’t love me” or “they will leave me” by sharing what I know is my truth. My feelings aren’t right or wrong. They simply are, and they are the fullest expression of me in every moment. This translates into self-worth.⁠⠀
>> I allow myself to feel deeply. I am in tune with my emotions. I don’t suppress; I express.⁠ I feel the energy of each emotion. It builds up until it overflows, and I then choose to let it out—screaming, hitting pillows, sobbing in front of my altar, long talks with supportive friends. I feel deeply, and then, I let it go. It’s like passing a friend on the street and saying, “Hi, how are you, so beautiful to be in your presence,”  and then continuing to walk down the street knowing you have acknowledged them. This translates into emotional intelligence.⁠⠀
>> I love my body. Every single inch of it. More of me means more of me to love.⁠ I lather on the self-love like my favorite body butter—thick and creamy until I smell divine. I spent years hating my hips until I realized one day that my body is doing everything it can to keep me alive. I get to experience this life because of my body. How can I not appreciate it for keeping me alive? This translates into confidence.⁠⠀
>> I love pleasure. I seek out how I can have more pleasure in my life. Pleasure is my priority.⁠ I have a daily pleasure practice to start my day with pleasure. How beautiful is it that we as humans have the conscious ability to recognize what brings us pleasure and actively seek it out? Pleasure makes me feel alive. This translates into sensuality.⁠⠀
>> I drop deep into my femininity—receiving instead of reacting or acting. Blossoming instead of retracting.⁠ Femininity isn’t flowy dresses, long hair, or pink. To me, femininity is strength, emotional maturity, youthfulness, and playfulness; I own it. This translates into freedom.⁠

>> I listen. I listen to myself. I listen to others. Listening is my superpower.⁠ My philosophy is that everyone in this life wants to be loved. Listening is my act of giving back. Being listened to in a non-reactive, non-judgmental way changes how people show up. They feel seen, heard, and appreciated for who they are. This translates into intimacy.

All of the above combined equates to self-worth, emotional intelligence, confidence, sensuality, freedom, and intimacy. This is what I consider to be a fully embodied, feminine woman.

Men want a woman who is the polar opposite of them (even if they don’t consciously know it)—a woman whose masculine energy isn’t competitive or overbearing so that they can take the role of the masculine.

What happens with polar opposites?⁠

They magnetize like fire.

So ladies, how are you going to drop into your fully embodied feminine energy to magnetize your man?⁠


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author: Nora Wendel

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Michelle Gean