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July 23, 2019

Mercury Retrograde along with my Second Saturn Return on steroids!!

#MercuryRetrograde #2ndSaturnReturn #SolarEclipse #LunarEclipse #FullMoon in Capricorn #PlutoSaturn Conjunction #Provincetown #Astrocartography #Relocation

Last week was the week I finally learnt that my Second Saturn Return was the biggest Saturn Return my astrologer has ever seen! Now, as a practising astrologer myself, I should not have been surprised by that, nor was I. My natal Saturn is at 17 degrees in Capricorn in my eighth house, which represents contracts with other people. However, it is ALSO conjunct Athena at 28 degrees in Capricorn. And tightly conjunct Vesta at…yup 17 degrees yup…also in Capricorn !!!

So no real surprise then to find myself going to court then, is it?! Contracts with other people (8th house) being brought to court – (Athena in the 9th house – which represents the law). And Athena represents the feminine crusader for justice, so is it any wonder I have also felt compelled to write about women’s rights in the USA?

Folks, I come from a country which has had twenty years of female Presidents!  (That would be Ireland by the way). Yup…twenty years! First we had President Mary Robinson for one seven year term (1990 – 1997), followed by two seven year terms of President Mary McAleese (1997 – 2011). So there are times when I am beyond gobsmacked when I hear that the USA does not want a female President. I have heard this comment from so many….women…yes, folks….other women!!

And throw Mercury Retrograde into the mix and you can see why some days it feels like all I do is fix all that did not work yesterday! As I have almost 50% of my chart ruled by Mercury, good old Mercury Retrograde really affects me. And what we tend not to realise it that we all have a lot more Mercurial and Uranian energy (which is the higher octave of Mercury) going on these days. Five years ago, smart phones were not the swish items they are now. Five years ago, very few of our friends were on Instagram. And last I heard, old fashioned dinner parties were by either phone call or politely worded text invitation. Now email is the norm. For heavens sake folks!!!

So Mercury Retrograde is a great time to go back and finish all those unfinished projects. Or else use the “delegate, dump or delete” rule. Which is wonderfully refreshing and a favourite of mine! And then go spend some quality time face to face with those you love. With your phone off! And for goodness sake, tell them you love them!!!

And going back to Saturn, never before in my lifetime have I seen it to be more important than ever to stand up for all human rights. So for me it has been kinda like my Saturn – which by the way moves into the tenth house in my relocated chart here for Provincetown, Cape Cod – is propelling me towards being the visible authority locally, both as an astrologer and astrocartographer, but also for what is right, fair and just for all humans beings.

These last few weeks, we have also had the Lunar Eclipse followed soon after by the Solar Eclipse. Eclipses folks, are a time when that which needs to come to the surface to be let go of in our lives, becomes heavily amplified.

We also had the recent Full Moon in Capricorn last week. The Capricorn energy is so focused on building and manifesting that we often forget it is actually very vin energy. So last weeks Full Moon in Capricorn was all about making empowered choices, and about bringing our soul consciousness into physical form, to better support ourselves.

Last week’s Full Moon was also conjunct Pluto as was the New Moon in Capricorn six months ago on the 6th January. Good ol’ Pluto!  Pluto is currently coming closer to it’s January 12th 2020 conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn. So we are gonna see a lot more political shitstorms till then, folks!

The last time these two planets were conjunct each other in Capricorn was January 1518, two months after Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the church in Wittenberg, Germany and thus began the Protestant revolution throughout Europe.

And the USA reaches it’s Pluto Return in February 2022. The USA will be the first country ever to have its Pluto return analysed in depth, as Pluto, (which represents transformation, death, rebirth, power and corruption) takes 248 years to orbit the Sun, and as a planet, was discovered in 1930 – just before the rise of Nazism and the Far Right in Europe.

Watch this space! The political upheaval we are witnessing here in the USA ain’t over yet folks, not by a long shot.

And as for myself – steroids? Nah, don’t need them! Bring it on, Saturn! 


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