From time to time, everyone has a desire to delay the complex decision making or doing some important but unpleasant, boring and uninteresting work. Let’s take a look at the reasons why the feeling of procrastination emerge and how to deal with it.
Through numerous observations, psychologists have discovered that the main reason why we lay things aside is not a bad organization or laziness. The stumbling block is laid in the conviction that, at the moment when it is necessary to begin to act, people lose the working mood. Once you start thinking about the lack of mood, the procrastination trap slams, and you begin to idle, switching attention to unnecessary things like surfing the internet or checking social accounts. Other reasons are the obscurity of goals, lack of control, and wrong habits and rituals.
In order to learn to overcome the desire to put it off till another day, you need to learn how to control your mood to refrain from internal dialogue and just act. Procrastination is like an infection or viral disease – if you don’t deal with it on early stages, it will be much harder to overcome it later. There are some useful tips that will make it much easier for a person to cope with this problem.
Simple rules for overcoming procrastination:
1. Workspace
Remove everything from your work area objects that clutter space. That will increase concentration and attention and there will be fewer reasons to withdraw from the target.
2. Quick start
Get started immediately. Even during a minute of delay, the mind is able to come up with excuses in order not to perform the task and start to procrastinate.
3. Divide tasks into small steps
A person often cannot start doing something due to the horror-stricken feeling of the volume and complexity of the upcoming tasks. In this case, it is necessary to split the work into segments and begin with the simplest ones. Satisfaction with the implementation will inspire to do more. This method works perfectly.
4. Forget about idealism
People can give up before the start due to the fact that his ideas seem insolvent. But can you know the without doing at least something?
5. Do not blame yourself
Self-harm only throws away from the real goals, in addition, you can completely ruin your mood. Healthy criticism is certainly appropriate, but only if it does not slow down the process of doing work. Just finish business and bad thoughts will change the joy of the completed task!
6. Use habits and rituals
Habits help us do something automatically without wasting extra energy. And good ones are very helpful in the fight against procrastination. It helps to concentrate on the matter, and not on how to get yourself started.
7. Use apps
We are living in the era of the internet and smartphones, so there are plenty of useful apps that will keep you motivated for work. For example, if you have a major venture or different undertakings in a hurry and you don’t have a clue where to begin, these apps can assist you with planning your time successfully, and diminish your feelings of anxiety.
8. Make yourself do nothing
And it is not a joke! This rather radical version was used by Victor Hugo. He sat at home without clothes and forbade the servant to give him it until he wrote the planned number of words. This ritual helped him write a lot. Not everyone is capable of such a feat. But if you make some changes, then it’s quite possible to use it. So did American writer Raymond Chandler. He just sat down at the table, leaving himself with two options: either do nothing or write. At first, it is easier for the body to do nothing. You sit, look at the ceiling, think. But then it gets boring! And you think, yes, I’d better write something. Because between our work and our boredom our subconsciousness will choose to work sooner or later.
And most importantly, in the fight against procrastination, do not forget to praise yourself even for small victories!
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