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July 12, 2019

The 4 Steps to Claiming Your Feminine Power.

My mission is to put more spiritual and financial power into the hands of people who will honor and respect a feminine way of being in the world. This is bigger than just you or me. This is a paradigm shift, the resurgence of feminine power, and the healing and harmonizing of feminine and masculine energies in ourselves and in society.

Whether you’re a man or a woman, whether you’re more masculine or feminine in nature, stepping into your feminine power is ultimately the way to receiving prosperity as a way of being, aligning your contributions with your calling, and actually getting well compensated to simply be yourself.

In the mythologies, they say the Goddess went into hiding. But she did not go into hiding. She went into service. But society has overlooked service for so long. We forgot to notice Her: the feminine, the nurturer, the care-giver, the mother, the one that keeps us alive. The feminine is about service, which is why, when we step into our sacred purpose from the perspective of service, and when we do it right, it not only feels easy and pleasurable to do, but we get the respect, recognition, appreciation and compensation we deserve.

Feminine energy is life giving. Masculine energy is about death and destruction. For too long, both energies have been injured and what has resulted is that the feminine has been shamed into silence and the masculine has forgotten its initial sacred purpose of creating sacred space and has instead gone into full force destruction so that we, as a species, have created a situation where the extinction rate is higher than ever, and the climate of the works is changing so fast we may be standing on the cliffs edge ourselves.

My solution? Putting more power into the hands of those who will be a part of the harmonizing movement. It will require learning a new way, it will require work, but mostly, it will require you to step up unapologetically into all of who you really are, and there are four main steps to getting there.

Step 1 of 4: The Heart-Womb Connection.
There are three principles to the heart-womb connection.

The first principle is to recognize the importance of belief. What you believe in your heart, is what you will birth into the world. What we believe is what we achieve. If we try to succeed at something, but truly believe we cannot, we ultimately will sabotage ourselves. If everyone says we will fail, but we know in our hearts that we can do it, our belief will always win. Then begs the question, how do we change our belief? I’ll talk about this is Step 2.

Principle 2 of the heart-womb connection is to acknowledge that feminine power is different than masculine power. Feminine power is not about control; it’s about intuition. It’s about unlocking our sensuality and our creative potential, and birthing that forth into the world with leadership and with confidence. It’s about tapping into your deepest yearnings, and not only giving those permission, but realizing that they are your your sacred duty, your birth right, and your destiny.

Principle 3 of heart womb connection: creative potential is store in the womb. The heart-womb connection actually is a very real, very literal pathway in the physical and energetic body. When a woman is able to tap deeply into the yearnings of her heart, and when she is able to tap into the limitless power source of love within her own self, her creative potential also increases exponentially, as do her ability to receive pleasure, prosperity, and express herself passionately in the world.

I invite you to take a deep breath and feel your heart space. As you exhale, focus on your womb (if you have one) and/or sex organs. Do this a few times. Now, with your attention still on your heart and womb (or sex organs) say to yourself, “ I acknowledge that purpose, pleasure, passion, and prosperity are my birthright and my responsibility.” Notice how that feels? How does your breath change? How does your body respond?

As we develop the heart-womb connection and learn to communicate with our bodies as messengers of the subconscious mind, we step more into our feminine power, and the how-to’s begin to take shape in ways we may not have been able to predict with the mind.

Step 2 of 4: The life on purpose process: A spiritual, mental, and physical success system for aligned prosperity and abundance.

There are three stages to this process:
Restructure energetically + Reframe mentally => spiritual and financial success.

You can do all the mindset work in the world, but as an energy healer, I know that there are a few major things to look for in someone’s energy body to make sure that they are open to the new mental shifts taking effect. In some cases, people find themselves repeating the same negative patterns, living through the same negative cycles, or thinking the same false beliefs over and over, despite how smart they are or how much personal development they’ve done. In some cases, what holds us back may not be the mind after all, but could be deeper. This is why clearing any negative factors from the energy body is, for me, a prerequisite to doing this deep work of transformation. We do this work to win, and I see no reason to take any risks. Clearing and balancing the energy body is a way to minimize risk of relapse and set yourself up for optimum success.

Reframing mentally involves reframing the stories we tell ourselves and by applying specific language hacks, which actually rewrite the stories on a neurological level. Applying this step on top of clearing the energy body is a sure-fire way to set yourself up for success.

Step 3 of 4: You Be You. The birthing mother has a midwife; you too, should have a guide

The third key is a total rebirthing process of your whole self.
I ask you to be really honest with yourself for a moment and ask yourself, how long have you been on this path? How long have you known certain things have needed to shift, but have kept cycling in the same old patterns over and over again?

The masculine paradigm would have us believe that there is a magic pill, that we can force our way into being healed or feeling free, or winning the lotto (but most people who win the lotto loose it all too quickly because even though they got the cash, they haven’t changed and therefore can’t keep it), but the feminine way teaches two things:

1. Healing is a process
2. We need each others’ support; we can’t do it alone.

The process of truly becoming oneself is truly a journey, and though it can seem daunting, the greatest relief is that those who have the most success are the ones who let go, and just allow themselves to be themselves. You be you.

Of course, there are all kinds of bad habits and limiting beliefs that make that easier said than done, and that’s why I truly believe it is so important to hire a coach or mentor. I know for me, investing in my personal growth in these ways has been the best investment I ever could make. Ultimately, my personal development and my impact on others and on the world is all I get to take with me in the end.

Imagine A woman giving birth who has with her the support of a skilled midwife. At some point in the process, all the rules fly out the window, the woman lets go and gives in to her innate, intuitive, process. She draws on something so primal within her. She has no choice but to draw upon her inner strength and be her. She can do so knowing she is safe because the midwife or doctor is there to monitor her and guide the process. The midwife or doctor can hold down the structure, have the proper tools, and know which instrument to use or which pressure point to press or which herb to give at what time. Similarly, this is the job of the mentor. To allow you to feel safe enough to release into yourself, because you know she has the processes and tools that are needed for you to go through this self-birth process and you know she will direct you on which tools and processes to implement in the right moment for a smooth and easy birth. Still, it is you who has to show up with courage and breathe through the difficult parts.

The path home to oneself is equivalent to a sacred pilgrimage.
In old times, people would walk thousands and thousands of miles on foot, often with barefoot, carrying their only clothes they had on their backs, just to sit at the feet of a teacher or have the opportunity to pray in a sacred temple.

The truth that we now know is that the master teacher is within. Nonetheless, the pilgrimage to get there is just as much of a process as any pilgrimage ever was. Whether the mountains and rivers we must cross are real or metaphorical, we have to face them and we have to cross them. Feminine wisdom teaches (and a huge reason why so many of us fail or feel this path is so hard) is that we cannot do it alone. Beloveds, no one ever did this alone.

Women (and men) have been sitting in circle together since time immemorial. The feminine way is not about tearing each other down and competing. It is about holding each other up and in fact, it is only when we hold one another up, and when we allow others to support us and see us when we feel vulnerable, that we REALLY succeed, both internally and on the outside too.

In the birth process, suddenly all the plans and control is eventually forced to fade into the background and the true feminine creative process beings. It’s powerful.

When giving birth, a woman may have studied different breathing techniques, she may have made a play list of songs she thinks she will want to hear in the moment, and she may have created a ritual to do at various points during labor. All this preparation was necessary. It was good and needed. But when the moment comes, the best thing she can do is open her heart, show up courageously with all the strength she has, and then let go and allow what is inevitable to birth through her.

Step 4: Rites of Passage and Support

Ultimately, whether you’re looking to
have a bigger positive impact to make change in the world.
We want to get the appreciation, respect, impact, and compensation we deserve.
We want our contributions to be deeply aligned with our calling.
We want work to feel like service, and we want to serve not from onbiolgation, but from that flow of passion and pleasure.
Embrace your your sacred gifts, and share your message and gifts with the world in a way that serves others.
Expand your capacity, remove blockages, and embrace your true calling.
Turn your passions and purpose into prosperity in a way that effects positive change.
Courageously embrace the journey of remembering your true self.
Experience radical healing on every level.
Step into you truth, your voice, your power, and your destiny.
And Remember, no one ever did it alone.

For hundreds of thousands of years (or millions depending whet you strait counting from) humans have lived in tribal communities. Belonging to a tribe of people is a memory that lives deep within our cells. Humans have lived, learned, loved, healed, and grown, within a setting of support since humanity began, and it is only so recently in history that we experienced the disconnect, isolation, and loneliness that is epidemic among us. Becoming our true self within the context of tribe is an unconscious evolutionary expectation. To attempt any other way is to submit ourselves to struggle and to inevitably experience the pangs of isolation that lead to anxiety or depression.

Rites of Passage, ceremony, and ritual have also been with humans since ancient times, and these experiences are more than just exciting demonstrations. True ceremony and rites of passage mark a change in ourselves when we shed what was and step into something new. The experience of the rites not only calls in support from a higher source and sends out positive energy and belief into the universe, but also these practices speak to our subconscious mind to initiate change on a fundamental level. These practices are so innate to the human experience, and are painfully lacking in our society today.

In conclusion, the best way to heal yourself and heal the world is by you stepping up, claiming more spiritual and financial power for yourself, and doing good with it.

To claim your feminine power most effectively, simply implements the 4 steps to feminine power which are:
1. The heart womb connection
2. The life on purpose process of energetic, mental, and emotional mastery
3. The re-birthing process
4. Rites of passage and mentorship/community support

A life of abundance, purpose, and pleasure is not only your birthright, it is your responsibility.
This is bigger than you. The world needs you to step up. The time is now.

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