August 14, 2019

Dear Wild Man: I will always Long for a Lust like Ours.

Dear Wild Man,

This is an ode to you; I know you haven’t been appreciated enough for all that you have been. I know time was never on our side, just like circumstances.

Thank you for showing me the ropes of my own pleasure, not because I couldn’t find it—I found myself without ever needing or having a constant lover—but maybe it was your kind words and thoughtful actions. Or maybe it was the fact that you were a reflection of me.

When the world said my ambitions were beyond my age and means, you stood by me until moments would take us to different destinations.

Oh, I am glad there are few people in this world who chose to love and lust like it were the end of the world. How I wish no one should sink into the trenches of lunatic passion and seduction so deep that it would be the envy of the world. Desire is a small word, and maybe not enough to describe those fiery episodes that seem surreal.

Many like you have arrived and departed in my life, yet some of you still dance through the valley of these thoughts and fantasies. Some of you departed even before there was a chance to unpack, while a few chose to stay in the hotel of dreams, with a wild woman who refused to be an object of your plan.

Being a free-spirited woman, we are always asked, who is our kind of man?

And maybe the only thing I can say is the kind who have the fire of passion in their eyes. The ones who are mad about their ambitions and life, the ones who have no ego in their hearts, the ones who make love to me whilst we kiss and caress each other’s wounds. The ones who expect nothing from anything and anyone.

You seduced me with your words and touched me with your actions.

It’s been years and you still tantalize me with your desire to make me want you, by showing me your naked soul.

I don’t want perfection, I want vulnerability.

I don’t want verses, I want actions.

I don’t want to be a part of your life, yet I know you think of me on sleepless nights, wondering if I am still alive.

I don’t want you forever, because you will always roam freely in my thoughts—ageless and passionate.

I want a lust like ours.

I want a man who makes me feel like how you made me feel. Sexy and full of smiles, waiting to undress the secrets of our attraction.

Some days, I touch myself in thoughts of you, oh wild man. You made me who I am today—my best sensual self—thank you for discovering her! We might never see each other again, but I wish you the best with all my heart. Wherever you are and whoever you are with, you have my love and lust.

This is just the beginning of discovering my Inner Goddess.


Your Wild Woman.


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Ann Loraine  |  Contribution: 2,565

author: Ann Loraine

Image: Crazy Stupid Love/IMDB

Editor: Naomi Boshari