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August 4, 2019

Wag More, Bark Less! (Beautiful Life Lessons Your Dog Can Teach You)

Imagine one of those days when everything feels like going downhill and it seems as if the world has thrown you to the dogs. Now imagine coming home to a quite different kind of dog, your best friend, your lifelong companion that is always there to comfort you, offer his soft paw and rest his head on your knees as a sign of consolidation and understanding. It never fails to help and it’s what makes our dogs so special and meaningful parts of our lives.

There is so much wisdom we can acquire from our four-legged friends, unfortunately, it’s usually not until we lose them that we realize how much their presence has changed us and how much we have grown both emotionally and mentally.

Here are 6 profound life lessons that our canine companions teach us, beyond simply taking care and loving a pet.




Have you ever seen your dog scared and worried about the possible outcome of the next walk you take him to? Has he or she ever decided not to wag their tale and greet you happily because they just don’t feel like it?

It seems easy comparing yourself to a clueless dog, but in times of great distress when overthinking and anxiety take over, turning to more simple solutions is the key. Wake up with a smile, focus on the good things that are happening in your life and don’t miss on the amazing ones that are just around the corner. Accept every situation as an opportunity and greet it with a positive attitude and lots of energy, just like your pooch would.




A warm place to sleep, some food and water and an occasional sign of affection – that’s all that a dog will ever need. Even if you don’t take care of her the way she deserves, she’ll still be grateful. It’s amazing how little gratitude can shift our entire way of thinking. We humans often forget what’s important and take things for granted.  

There’s always something to be grateful for, it just depends on our willingness to focus on what we have, rather than what we need and miss. Try thinking of at least 5 things to be grateful for each morning and cherish those thoughts. Soon your mind will learn to appreciate the smallest of things and you’ll notice a shift in your overall attitude.



Dogs have the amazing ability to follow their needs in the moment. They wake up happy and excited and fall asleep with no worries on their mind. Each new experience is an adventure, new fellow dogs are always interesting, new paths and directions always a positive challenge. Whether it’s food, new ball play or a new smell they’ve discovered, it’s all about the present moment.

People tend to dwell in the past or obsess about the future. Rarely do we catch ourselves fully awake and focused in the now. Sometimes forgetting about the pressures and worries that past and future experiences bring can liberate us from the chains of stress, expectations and responsibility. Enjoy the nice weather, fresh air, or just the fact that you’re healthy and safe. Play with your dog and simply cherish the that he’s there and you’re together.




Who said you had to stop playing at a certain age? Life’s too short to be wasted only on serious stuff. Whether he’s 1 or 12 years old, your dog will run, roll in the grass and get the zoomies as long as he can breathe and stand on his paws.

Just like your dog, your body needs to exercise and keep moving throughout all your life. Not just the body, but your spirit and soul can benefit from doing something different from time to time. Try including new and fun activities into your schedule, do something that scares you, but you’ve always wanted to experience. You’ll feel energized and alive, just like being a kid again. 




Don’t put yourself in a situation where you could have lifelong regrets. Even little things, like a hug, a warm smile, a word or two of compassion can make a difference. Dogs are great at freely expressing their love and happiness all the time. In fact, showing love and affection is not good only for those who receive, but also those who send positive energy. It’s a profound feeling knowing that there’s someone you want to share your enthusiasm and happiness with. 




Most heartwarming stories about unquestionable loyalty and devotion come from our furry friends. A dog is truly a man’s best friend. Once emotionally attached, a dog will never betray his human due to his great loyalty and gratitude. 

Introducing a dog to a family can teach children the importance of dedication and responsibility to those they love and respect. Even when being disciplined and scorned, dogs maintain a strong relationship with their owner and that’s what the meaning of loyalty is all about.


Our pets are not only there to keep us company and play with our kids, but they are also beings of love, passion and joy, friends whose animalistic instincts and primal behavior can remind us of some important feelings and conduct we’ve buried deep. Simply put, dogs can teach us the true meaning of love by getting us back to its basic, pure form.

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