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August 24, 2019

Why it’s important to be there for ourselves

You know, often there comes a time when simple everyday things feel tiresome.

When that which we usually did, seems impossible now. And we’d rather not try cause there’s no point, for we feel we’re going to fail anyway…right?

You know, like wanting to hide beneath a veil and not be seen, because being invisible is better than the sheer possibility of being rejected?


The unknown, treading on tricky terrain…being unsure and doubting ourselves, happens to the best of us. Low confidence or self-esteem, looping in our thoughts and being afraid — it’s a cycle.

For far too long we’ve allowed the world to bog us down – in all its glorious ways, often without even realising so. We’ve allowed them to make us feel like we just aren’t worth it…ready or whatever else they’d like us to believe.  And by doing so day in and day out, we have conditioned ourselves to conclude just that.

The ‘they’ we’re referring to is subject to change. But if we don’t put a stop, to taking on another’s point of view as our own, we’ll always stay prey to this toxicity.

Easier said than done, of course, but the first step towards freedom from our internal monologue is observing the pattern. And thereby acknowledging that, most of our self-depreciating, negative thoughts aren’t even our own. Thereafter, it’s about reminding and patiently reiterating to ourselves, “I’ve got me and I’m all I need”.

Imagine this.

There’s a house. It has braved the storm and the rain, the tsunamis and hurricanes. It’s obvious that there’s going to be some wear-and-tear.
Now instead of giving it time and rebuilding it or putting the pieces astray back in its place…should we cover it with a tarpaulin and expect it to hold, it’d be mighty stupid of us. Right?

Now, what if you were that house.
Your mind, your body and everything in between.

Instead of giving yourself time to heal and nurturing your growth, instead of trying to break away from all that they’ve made you believe you are…why are you doing your best to put your head down, lay low and nullify your very existence?

You need to be there for yourself.

No, you aren’t crazy. It’s not that you’re spiralling out of control with nothing to hold.
You’re just reeling under their version of who you are and all that they think you can ever be.

We’ve got to stop allowing them under our skin. Or we’re giving them leverage over us.

Let’s think of it this way.

Say there are a bunch of people out there, trying their best to create havoc and wreck you. Let’s say they’ll enjoy watching you mess up and will rejoice in your failure. Going by this assumption, they’re already externally causing you unrest and discomfort. Why give them the opportunity to play on your mind and cause you distress from within?

More so, when we settle onto a particular vibrational frequency i.e thinking-feeling – in this case, that of unease and pain, we attract to ourselves more of that which is on the same plane. And do we want that? Heck no!

So do you want a simple but extremely effective trick that could help you amidst the chaos? When their expressions and gestures get louder than your own inner voice?

Step 1:

Close your eyes – acknowledging what is, as is.

Step 2:

Take a deep breath – accepting your current reality or situation.

Step 3:

Hold the breath in – think of that which bothers you, makes you feel uncomfortable.

Step 4:

Smile – give thanks, to the challenge you’re facing.

(Instead of some textbook bullsh*t about how it’ll make us stronger.. agreed, this is the hardest part. But once we genuinely trust the Universe and believe that ‘everything is connected’ – giving thanks to that person, thing or event that’s causing us pain…will instantaneously change our experience in the now.)

Step 5:

Breathe out – as you do this, let it go and be present in the now.

Remind yourself, all of it says more about who they are versus what they’re propagating about you. Besides, “Real eyes realise real lies” or some sh*t like that, right? So give it time and you will see, those who actually matter, won’t pay heed and will see through the facade.

Don’t let its simplicity distract you from its use.  And you know how you wouldn’t take someone you love for granted, well, it’s time we love ourselves.

Because guess what? Once we truly love and accept ourselves in our entirety, no one…despite how much they try, can dull our shine.

I’ve made up my mind, to at least try. Won’t you join me? Share your voice.

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