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September 8, 2019

A Clothesline

I stepped out onto my front porch, looked to the right and saw the loveliest sight. Fresh laundry blowing in the breeze on a clothesline. My neighbor’s fiance is from Thailand. I happened to glance over (let’s face it, I was intrigued, inspired and totally watching her) as she was methodically and gracefully hanging each piece of their laundry. Each load was small and hung perfectly, mindfully with love and care. As I watched her I realized she was in a daily ritual of mindful meditation while expressing love and care for her family. Somehow it felt different than tossing them with a dutiful sigh of exhaustion into a dryer. There is something about communing with nature while smelling the fresh laundry blowing in the breeze that makes the task feel a bit lighter.
When we owned chickens and planted a huge garden in our yard, I proudly and somehow it felt like a hint of past life intuition, built a garden fence out of bamboo that I chopped myself and twine (and eventually a nail gun because lets face it, twine? Nice try, Laura Ingalls Wilder.) I was so proud of myself for completing such a difficult task. I always felt it fitting that we build a clothes line as well. I never made it that far! I have always hung large blankets or sheets over our railings to dry and occasionally a basket of laundry. However, it always looks messy scattered around the porch. I have yet to built a clotheline!
I have always thought it was beautiful to see someone’s clothes hanging on a line. Whenever I see it, for one reason or another, I feel a bit of nostalgia. I think it is the simplicity, yet the intricate duty of a chore turned into a moment to be thankful and aware. Everytime I see someone hang laundry I am like, really? You look like you’re enjoying doing laundry? Are you being held captive? Do you need assistance? Do you have a flask hidden in your laundry basket?
When I saw my neighbor hanging her laundry it rekindled my fascination. I grabbed some twine, strung it across my porch and hung our laundry on it today! The seasoned clothelinennoisseur would most likely scoff at my attempt as there is an art and sense of pride in hanging laundry.
I plan to build a clotheline. I hope it becomes something I enjoy using and gives me a sense of joy and pride. Sometimes it’s the simplest of dreams that give us life. Or hope… hope that laundry will one day become a joyful affair for the whole family. Perhaps, woodland fairies will join us too.

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