September 7, 2019

Granola Recipe for the New Moon & your Cycle. ~ Sophie Haber

Intention: to nourish and satisfy the sweet cravings for the luteal and menstrual phases of your cycle.

This granola is infused by the power of the dark of the moon! Oats to soothe the nerves, warm your spirit, and ground your being. Buckwheat (kasha) is loaded with magnesium, which helps to usher you through the most crucial phases of your cycle. Also using the power of these different adaptogens to warm and provide support to the feminine.

This recipe came out of being deeply inspired by one of my favourite books, WomanCode by Alisa Vitti. This book brings so much awareness around supporting your cycle and how to nourish each of the phases that we go through as women.

We have four phases to our cycle, which are the follicular, ovulation, luteal, and menstrual. Throughout each phase, we have a substantial difference in how we go about caring for our bodies. We get to eat differently, exercise differently, and work differently if we listen.

My intention for creating new recipes is now based on which phase I am currently in and what my body is asking for. Also, a fun and exciting way to connect with our phases as well as the moon phases because they are so deeply connected to each other!

So, below are some of the main ingredients I have used in the granola recipe and which phase they fall under.

Buckwheat: Menstrual phase.

Cranberry: Menstrual phase.

Banana: Menstrual phase.

Cacao nibs: Menstrual phase.

Dates: Luteal phase.

Raisin: Luteal phase.

Sunflower seeds: Luteal phase.

Flaxseed: Luteal phase.


Wet ingredients:

1 banana (very ripe)

4 Medjool dates (soaked)

3 cups buckwheat (soaked)

1/3 cup coconut oil or ghee

Dry ingredients:

2 cups gluten-free oats

1/2 cup raisins

1/2 cup cranberries (I recommend using the brand Honestly Cranberry)

1/4 cup chia seeds

1/4 cup cacao nibs

1/4 cup flaxseeds

1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds

1/4 cup coconut shreds

*Add salt to taste!


1 tsp Yin Power

1 tsp pearl powder

1 tbsp Ashwagandha powder

1 tbsp reishi powder

1 tbsp cinnamon powder

1 tbsp turmeric powder

1 tsp cardamom powder

1 tbsp dried chamomile

1 tbsp fennel seeds

1/4 cup dried rose petals

To make:

Begin by preparing your buckwheat groats to soak. Place the three cups of buckwheat in a bowl with filtered water and let soak overnight. In the morning, strain the groats and give them a good rinse as they will be pretty slimy!

Next, you will place your dates, banana, and all your potions with the coconut oil in a food processor and blend until smooth! Then you will fold this mixture into the strained buckwheat and add the oats and the rest of the dry ingredients.

Get your hands in the mix and gently fold in all the ingredients. You will want to use two baking trays and lay the granola flat onto each one.

Bake at 350 for about 20 minutes and check your granola every 10 minutes! You will want to lightly shuffle the granola each time so that it does not burn. Once your mixture feels dry to touch, pop it out of the oven and let it cool before placing it in your jars. This will make roughly around five cups of granola, or one month’s worth of granola!

I invite you to get cozy. If it is a new moon then this may be the perfect time to create your very own Moon Granola! It is a beautiful way to save money as nowadays, granola can be expensive as well as filled with so much sugar!


To learn about sacred storytelling, cycle awareness, food as medicine, intuitive writing, and the art of ritual, join Sophie’s four-week, Lunar cycle course here~


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Sophie Haber  |  Contribution: 760

author: Sophie Haber

Image: Author's own

Editor: Naomi Boshari