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September 5, 2019

I could “feel” her.She had The Heart & Soul of a Genuine Mystic & she like I was lost in darkness–



I’m witing for HER,
Dearly Beloved friend & soul sister. who’s a death notice I found last year, on Tthe WWW.

but until now couldn’t bear to write.

We had lost touch with each other 10 years ago after she got married.

She didn’t cut any ties with me, I cut that un-intentionally I a total fit of Rage.

Why? Why– I Adored her and that”some say to a “fault”

I had surrendered all that I had, even my Satguru, My Spiritual Master

to the One Soul, I saw myself in so deeply. A woman here and now.a woman. a relationship

a friend of like mind with hopes fears pain doubts, a woman who was suffering and utterly alone.

The dark night of the soul is a place where none can follow all must go alone. This is what we are taught.

But now. here she was. A REAL LIVING BREATHING W.O.M.A.M

Not a book or second-hand story Nor a photograph of a Smiling Man in a white turban with a flowing snow-white beard who loved unconditionally, a Saint who never “Sinned”

a “GOD to whom I Sang Songs of Devotion & Adoration from 9 pm to Dawn every night without fail

This was my Simran my  Bakti my YOGA, & My LIIFE.

The path was called Sant Mat.

The Meditation Surat Shabd Yoga. the “Mantra” / Simran”Remembrance”

is the inner  repetition of the five names of “GOD”

This was my way then. & my Seva and the words of my mouth were not my own.

a Gurumuk Devotee of “GOD” thru the grace of my Perfect Master, Sant Ajaib Singh Ji Maharaj

“Sant Ji” who made his entire living as a Sugarcane farmer in Rajhastan India. Until the day he left the Body.09.11.2019

but that is a story for another day.

This is what needs to be said this day. Here and Now

Merci Beaucoup Chere.

Doux rêvant profondément ma Soeur bien-aimée. Jusqu’à la prochaine fois. Paix profonde


Richard Scott Ruth

-Krou Riven

ce. 09.05.2019

She was Cherokee by Ancestory

Roman Catholic” by education

a daddy’s girl at heart

a giver in Spirit

and a perfectionist in life.

french was her second language.

Her Grandfathers name was Tall Tree.

She never met him but cherished the beaded deerskin moccasins he made for her mother.

She never asked for anything by way of a gift and the first time I asked her what she would like

She said, “Give me something you like and want me to have that way I  will know

who you are.”

The truth is I couldn’t afford to buy her anything material that I wanted her to have.

But a year or so later I decided to bring home a Cockiteel a “pet” and hating to keep any living being caged, trained her to my hand and gave her the freedom to learn how to fly indoors without crashing.

(yet another story for another day)


I  loved her. Michelle loved her and we both mourned her death.

She layed, beautiful perfect fawn-colored eggs,

One of which. Her last before she died, Michelle  placed on a

Roman Catholic” by education

french was her second language.

Her Grandfathers name was Tall Tree. She never met him but cherished the beaded deerskin moccasins

He made for her



This is an Ancient Song of the Dine people. It is sung to Guide Spirit of those who’ve left their bodies at death on their way
.Back HOME

Haseya ~❤️~ Ajeet Kaur (feat. Peia) via YouTube





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