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September 7, 2019

Intuition in the pursuit of goodness

Intuition: a call that comes not from a megaphone but the whisper of your DNA

Science is everywhere. People work tirelessly to prove, disprove, justify and question any and all aspects of this world – and beyond. No doubt, because of the efforts of millions and the attention of millions more, our human species has benefited because of shared science: lives saved, wealth shared, cultures preserved and the unimaginable avoided. Information is ready at our fingertips, being yelled into our ears and literally anywhere we look; What often is drowned out and, at times, purposely ignored, is our own internal connection to truth and knowledge. Purposely is a poisonous accusation however many times during decision making we avoid what could be the solution by going within our own biomolecular knowledge and instead turning to man made assumption of hey Siri-ing and curated top ten lists. And if you’re here now, now is the time to tune in… curiosity is the start and the start is long.

Information takes many forms. It’s not simply what is presented (media, social interactions, direct education) but also what is passively observed. When presented with information the brain seeks to categorize it: important, not important. Depending on the category it’s obvious what is likely to happen to the information. Let’s jump into the juice of this – full of excitement about the opportunity to join a good team of people working with passion and purpose. Sounds like the ideal place to work, learn and thrive in general; If, based on the information taken in solely from a directed learning experience (majority of Western education, teacher teaching topically filtered and right/wrong information) and no consideration for or education on how to connect to experiential knowledge, what is missed is the element of personal fulfillment and satisfaction. I suppose here is an ideal space to acknowledge that personal fulfillment is something that is a widely accepted as basic human need… You are a human, right? Fulfillment is not just for the modern Hippie, it’s essential to the sustainability of this world as every citizen participates in co-creating humanities existence, no matter when the polar ice caps melt..

Continuing – at this point, enthused about being on a path that seems uniquely fitting to the average norm and based upon taught knowledge, consideration of the logistics occur: does it pay enough, can I do what is asked of me and do I want to? Usually the last segment is the continuation of ignorance of the personal experiential knowledge bit. Yes, joining a team of passionate, good-cause-oriented humans and being paid for it is the goal of many… most. But as a society, people are supported to settle in, instead of considering the truth and knowledge carried uniquely within. The true answer to do I want to? can only come from a level of awareness knowing it is an incomplete question and the vibrational reality of that incomplete question (which calls for our attention and action) is “how do I want to contribute to the world.” And that answer can only come from intuition.

Nothing is the same as it was. Change is constant and forever different. Settling in an environment of like-minded and similar team members, as is our example, likely denies the history and the reality of our unique, collective experience. In the process of false fulfillment, humanity became alienated from the truth and forms safe circles with other humans while other are marginalized because of popularity, furthermore, disconnecting all from the natural flowing intuition, the internal knowing and the connection to the global contribution intuition has. By continuing to repeat these historical habits we perpetuate the dominance of external knowledge, favouring siri and other opinionated media sources over our learned truth and knowledge forever attempting to hold change at bay… resisting our own (r)evolution.

The most damning human habit and the single-handed strangler on the purpose of intuition is our dependence on and perpetuation need for external knowledge. Not thinking each difference is impactful is a symptom of stress (over-thinking). The educated, regurgitated and accepted form of fulfillment is a pursuit of the good life with the good people all doing their good things. Consistency of good is found when constantly in company of like-minded people. We become part of an illusive search which continually brings humanity further and further away from truth and knowledge and closer to the unfulfilling falseness that fulfillment happens solely with what, who and when good occurs, when we strive for the same-same.

But where does one go to obtain this undermined, seemingly lost, information of intuition and also how does one cultivate the bravery to do the things that are different, with people who aren’t our close friends and people who aren’t known for sticking with the same-same traits..?! A worthy question and is literally the essence of beginning a journey of self-fulfilling human needs. Some, find their way with asana (movements/shapes) of yoga, others through meditation, abstract art or even musical exploration. Others attribute sharpened intuition to regularly seeing a counsellor or attending facilitated meetings, maintaining life coach relationships or religious commitments. The spontaneity that is experienced while tending to intuition development unleashes powerful learning experience comprised of, psychological, physical and emotional truths… all unique to the individual. A critical foundation to the success of any self-fulfilling avenue is that the learner must do the processing, albeit some activities that sharpen intuition have a facilitator or teacher, the learning and application of intuition is ultimately up to the presence of the person practicing.

This is no suggestion any one or two should undertake the quest of understanding and appreciating the importance of self-fulfillment, that would be a juxtaposition to the purpose and intent of this writing; thinking about what one wants to do doesn’t ever do disservice to the world.


For your consideration

  • Is being with the good qualities as important as it is perpetuated to be? What do I learn from same-same? How is that good for me?
  • What am I missing in my decision making/informative process when I rely on externally proven (and believed, assumed) ‘fact’ and ‘truth’?
  • Passive observation is defined as, there is no interaction or intervention. When am I passively observing and actively processing meaning?
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