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September 5, 2019

Know Thy Limits

Know Thy Limits. In recovery we often face many unexpected challenges, life isn’t scripted and neither is our recovery. We know what’s working to help us maintain our sobriety, and hopefully in process we have learned a few things about ourselves and what doesn’t work. How can we deal with these unexpected bumps in the road? S-L-O-W-L-Y. Don’t treat the unexpected like it was expected. What do I mean? Mindfulness teaches us to ‘live in the moment’ and absorb what’s in front of us. We learn to analyze the best case scenarios and then react, we don’t hit ‘autopilot’ – we don’t just ‘react.’ Learn to slow down your mind and reactions to filter thru what’s happening in front of you. Always remember that ‘one drink, one hit we won’t quit.’ That’s a fact, learning when to walk away from a bad situation is just as important to knowing when to stand your ground. Pick your battles wisely my friends and good luck finding the real you on your own special journey.

4. Check yourself before thou Resurrect yourself!

(For we have all sinned and come short from the Glory of God. Romans 3:23)

So much truth to that, I felt that. It could have said ‘some’ or ‘many’ but it doesn’t, it said ‘all have sinned.’ We all fall short of the Glory of God, does that mean we all can’t be saved? No. Does it mean it’s pointless to try to make amends? No, it means for ‘all of us’ to try harder each day, be better each day. Society has gone away from the message of God, the values and guidance written in the Word. We accept things today that were unacceptable and unimaginable just a short time ago. We as a society are being conditioned to accept the unacceptable, our values and morals are being compromised more and more. I will admit that I am guilty of many things, I chased bad things, I lived in the darkness and turned my back on God. I blamed God for my own self created misery, I was wrong. I should have blamed myself for creating the no-win situations that I kept myself in. God has always been there for us, we just haven’t been there for Him. We used and abused our life to chase those things that took us away from Him. God’s gift to us was freedom of choice, and we repaid Him by choosing things that took us away from Him. We ignored Him, maybe we prayed when things got bad but never when things were good, my challenge to you my friends, join me in saying a simple prayer to our Father in Heaven ??

Thank you Father for giving me another day to share your testimony, thank you for sharing your Grace and Mercy with me and my family, thank you for sending your Son Jesus Christ to pay for my sins and loving me despite my sinners past, thank you for your continued strength, wisdom and courage to keep moving forward and sharing my life with those that need to feel your Grace. I do everything for your Glory,


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