September 30, 2019

The Wild Woman Archetype.

*Warning! Naughty language ahead.

Let the wild woman within you rise.

Let out her roar as you step into your true authentic self, revealing all of you, unapologetic to show up in all her glory.

Society puts us in boxes that are labeled with what is acceptable in today’s society and what is not. But what if you don’t want to be in that box? What if we want to be wild and carefree without the limitations of who we came here to be?

“Dance like no one is watching,” the saying goes…

Fuck that.

Dance how you want to damn dance, regardless if you are being watched or not. All the better, if you are, let that wild woman energy move through you, course through your veins, let her hair down, wild and free as she flicks her head, her hips move side to side, and her pelvis thrusts forward. Let her drop to her knees, if that is what your wild woman wants.

Don’t be tamed any longer by society’s “what’s appropriate and what’s not appropriate” rules.

My wild woman loves to get on the dance floor and move every part of her being. She loves her hair to be out and flick back and forth. She loves to be loud and sing at the top of her lungs. She loves to get down and dirty on the dance floor with anyone who will join her. She wants to lead and be the example of being “out of the box.”

She wants to look different, be different, and make her own rules up, because she doesn’t want to be confined to a certain way of being. She wants to be a free spirit to express herself however she likes. Unapologetic about who she is and what she stands for. She is confident and powerful in the way she holds herself. Eye to eye, you know that she is someone not to be fucked with.

We are too quick to judge someone on their appearance, what they wear, the colour of their hair, too many tattoos, body piercings, their hairstyle, what music they listen too…the list could go on forever!

Why not embrace that person’s individuality and admire that they chose to show up authentically as themselves? It is the expression of who they are, and, in this world, that takes courage.

There is a wild woman archetype in all of us.

She is untamed and unapologetic about who she is.

She holds a powerful presence—confident and mysterious.

She has no desire to fit into any box or society’s way of doing things and every desire to be herself.

She is the rebel, the one who doesn’t give a flying fuck what you think, and everything is always on her terms.

Do you recognize your wild woman within? How does your wild woman want to express herself?

Do you dare to let her be seen?

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Karen Barnwell  |  Contribution: 870

author: Karen Barnwell

Image: Christopher Campbell/Unsplash

Editor: Kelsey Michal