September 30, 2019

You are Love, wrapped in Armour. {Poem}


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You are love

But sometimes it is hidden under layers of old armouring
Wrapped in forgotten generations of pain
And for such a long, long time
That you may have forgotten what you truly are

You are love

But this may sound strange or silly to you
You only know that you don’t feel love
Or loved

Perhaps you feel nothing at all
So hidden away and forgotten, is your true and natural self

Perhaps you only feel the pain
Of grief, or shame, or anger, or fear

It hurts, yes
But it’s not what you are

You are love

Deep in your core, underneath it all
Shining bright is what you truly are

It can never die or disappear
It is eternal
It is waiting for you
It is calling you home

Take a chance
Take off the armour
Even for only a minute
Allow vulnerability 

Open, unfold, and stop all effort
Even just for a minute

Surrender to me, says love
Fall into my arms
Let me hold and embrace you

And the warmth and light of love
Will melt away your pain

Until only love remains
It is what you truly are 

You are love

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Vinito Freo  |  Contribution: 1,695

author: Vinito Freo

Image: @_minimalista

Editor: Kelsey Michal