September 1, 2019

Want a Metaphysical Reset for the End of the Year? Do a September Home Detox.

I’ve always felt that September has an energy about it that is similar to January.

We’re moving into the closing months of the year, and the signs around us in nature are all about endings (to make way for new beginnings). Maybe it’s a resistance to what is—such a human quality—and not wanting to let go of the more active energy of the brighter months. Or maybe it’s a sense of panic about the approaching year-end and our perceived lack of achievement around the goals we set back in January.

And maybe it’s simply because the “back to school” routine was ingrained in our psyches during our formative years. Whatever it is, September often sees us refocusing our attention on what we want to get done before we ring out the old year on December 31st.

And a good old clear out can be powerful tool in this process.

As we clear out our physical stuff, something magical takes place on the metaphysical level. Old mental and emotional issues can come to the surface, to be fully felt and finally released. And clearing out the non-physical, alongside the physical, also clears the path forward. Not only is the physical debris removed, but blocks in our psyches can also be dissolved.

Hence the popularity of Marie Kondo’s KonMari movement: Clearing out your home really can be magically life-changing.

And the only way to test the theory is to give it a go.

Over the coming weeks, why not resolve to clear out as much of your physical clutter as you can—and see what knock-on effect that has on your personal energy levels, your creativity, enthusiasm, and outlook on life.

There are different ways to approach the challenge. The KonMari method is to organise in categories and to create a huge pile in one place in your home. Pick up each piece, ask if it sparks joy, and if not then thank it and move to a donate/recycle/bin pile.

For me, this method is overwhelming. I prefer to go room-by-room, or area-by-area. A fantastic resource for this is Declutter your life with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston. As well as guiding you through the decluttering process, it’s a fabulous Feng Shui primer. It’s the book that turned me on to decluttering and, like me, everyone I’ve loaned it to got the decluttering under way before they finished the book.

When I couldn’t find a start-today online challenge that guides you through the process, I created one myself. My free guide leads you through a room-by-room method through manageable daily tasks. I designed it for those (like me) who get overwhelmed by the very idea of undertaking a giant purge in one day, one weekend, or even one week.

You’ll also find thousands of videos on YouTube to guide, inspire, and motivate. The most important thing is to get started. Start with your purse, with a single drawer, with the cupboard under the kitchen sink. Once you get started, an energetic momentum gathers and it’s much easier to keep going.

The golden guideline is this: love it, use it, or lose it.

If you feel able to commit to clearing a full room or area, but are wondering where to start, try the entryway to your home. Make it so that it uplifts your energy every time you walk through the door. Clear away the summer jackets, shoes, and bags, and bring out what you’ll need for the coming new season. Organise a system for keys and whatever else you usually grab on your way out. And place something on a wall or shelf that will cause you to smile when you come home.

Hopefully, completing one area will motivate you to detox another. When resistance arises, remember that it will reap benefits on the metaphysical realm as well as the physical.

View your home detox as a self-care exercise, because that’s precisely what it is. On a well-being level, we gain so much more than we lose. And all that we lose, we no longer need anyway so there’s really no losing involved. It’s win-win all around.


Sign up for my free 30-day decluttering challenge here.



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author: Hilda Carroll

Image: Sarah Brown / Unsplash

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