October 9, 2019

A Mindful Dad’s Day—a Long Haiku. {Poem 1}

*Editor’s Note: This piece is part of a series—lucky you. Head to the author’s profile to continue reading.


I open my eyes,
rub my face, and sigh out loud.
Haste starts to set in.

Get up on my feet.
No clue what I dreamt about.
Jaw sore from clenching.

Off to the bathroom
for my morning ablutions.
Damn light hurts my eyes.

Then to my cushion,
I start up the Timer app,
bowing to myself.

I meditate quick,
just enough to sit and breathe.
My mind still racing.

The room is pitch black.
I move to my desk for light,
pen and journal out.

Three pages of thoughts,
pondering this crazy life.
The one that I chose.

My head starts to clear
and the fog begins to lift.
Feeling better now.

Time for the shower.
Warm water wakes and soothes me.
I’ll shave if I must.

Prep for the office.
Business casual attire.
What a lame-ass phrase.

A breakfast of eggs,
thanking my hens for laying.
Give some to my pup.

The girls are up now.
Noise begins to fill the house.
Everyone rushes.

I wish them good day,
and off I go in my truck.
Won’t be back for hours.

I pull in the lot,
taking in the sun and sky.
I breathe and then sigh.

There’s not enough time
to do everything I wish.
Bills need to be paid.

So I give my time
to a job that treats me well,
but can’t warm my heart.

I watch the sun set,
as I walk back to my truck.
Where did the day go?

I fill my lungs up
with the fresh air I longed for.
Returning home tired.

With a few hours left,
I replenish my body,
my heart, and my soul.

There’s not enough time
for me to do everything
that I want to do.

Head on the pillow,
I think about tomorrow.
Will it be the same?

Here’s the deal I say:
If it weren’t for the busy,
I wouldn’t be me.

I am here to work
and provide for my family.
So sleep soundly now.


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Joe Cyr  |  Contribution: 15,790

author: Joe Cyr

Image: Shelbey Miller/Unsplash

Editor: Nicole Cameron