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October 9, 2019

Apology letter to my daughter

I am sorry baby girl

For the times I will fail you
For the times I won’t be my best self
For the times I will lose my patience and for the times I’ll yell

I am sorry for the times my own insecurities arise
For the times I hurt you by putting you aside
For the times I self destruct and for the times I won’t be fully present

I’m sorry for the times I won’t understand what you’re saying or how you feel
For the times I over protect you and those in which I wont pay enough attention

Im sorry for the many mistakes I need to make in order to learn the lessons life needs to teach me through you.

I’m sorry if I let you down again and again

But do know this, there is no one else in this universe I’d rather become better for, than for you.

You are my motivation, my inspiration and my everlasting love.

The love I have for you is the one thing that can and will make me stronger, braver, wiser and better.

You bring out the person I truly am and the parts I love most about myself. Flaws and all.

You’ve shown me how to stop and look, to pay close attention, to accept and understand, to pull through, move on and embrace the feeling of joy.

Know that no matter how many times I fuck up due to my own traumas and pain and insecurities, there is NOT ONE soul on this planet or universe who loves you more than I do.

I love you to infinity and beyond; being your mother is the greatest gift life has given me and I will honour it and work everyday to live up to it for the rest of my life

Thanks for having my back baby girl. For making it seem so easy. For teaching me so much through the way you love and let go and stay happy.

You are my biggest teacher and I am so grateful you get to be my daughter and I get to be your mommy.

I love you so very much baby girl. We got this!

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