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October 29, 2019

Five-Step Process of Creating Art | Nina Nandy

If you’re reading this, it probably means you want to create something – but you have no idea how. Don’t worry! Art is a process. When all artists start out, they don’t always have a vision in mind. While creating art is something that doesn’t need a step by step process, sometimes it’s nice to have a little guidance. Let’s start by taking it one step at a time.

Step 1: finding inspiration.

They say inspiration comes in many forms – but what are some practical, active ways to find it?

Sometimes, you have to disconnect. Step away from your electronics and chores. Take a shower, go for a gentle walk, or listen to some music. With patience and an open mind, inspiration can come.

Step 2: sifting through ideas.

If you’re even the slightest bit creative, you probably have a lot of ideas. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough time or energy to do all of them, so you have to be choosy.

As ideas come to you, write them down. Repeat the process mentioned in Step 1 – disconnect, and ponder, as you flesh out an idea. Allowing it to ruminate will give you a clear vision.

Step 3: preparing to work.

Do you have the supplies you need to see your project through? Or, if you’re working digitally, is your tablet in working condition? Software up-to-date?

If you’re drawing, consider doing warm-ups before you begin. Producing art is like working out. You should stretch before you “run” – shapes, swirls, and gentle sketches to limber up.

Step 4: reckless creativity.

There is no one “right” way to create. This step varies based on how you approach creating, what medium you’re using, and how much time a piece takes.

For example, folding an origami swan can be done in a few minutes. (Depending on the skill level of the creator.) However, a realistic watercolor painting will take hours, or even days.

While it’s ok to rest, don’t flat-out stop. Keep creating until you reach the end.

Step 5: reflection and adjustments.

Once your piece is finished, take a step back. Clean up your workstation. If you’re working digitally, back it up. Let it sit.

With time, you’ll see any adjustments you need to make.

Additionally, don’t be afraid to share your art. Sometimes, the best thing for the creative process is another pair of eyes, feedback, and encouragement to keep going.

Learn more about Nina Nandy by visiting

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