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October 2, 2019

How Healing Your Multidimensional Bodies Will Improve Your Existence

My life seemed pretty incredible to the lookers on the outside…the inside told an entirely different story, a different reality.  I was caught between what I was portraying and what I was truly experiencing.

I was scrolling, lurking, watching, hoping that if I looked long enough, it would rub off on me somehow.  I was wishing and praying that by some miraculous occurrence I’d find myself exactly where I wanted to be when I opened my eyes one morning.  Unfortunately, day after day I kept waking up to the same reality.

That is, until I DECIDED that it go to be different!   Read that sentence again…it all began to change the day I got really clear on what it was I desired in life, when I began to face the reality of who I was and what it was that made my heart sing.   For so long I was defined by the titles I so happily took on; “wife”, “mother”, “employer”…those were titles I had longed for since as far back as I can remember, like they were some sort of trophy. Those titles are still part of who I am today, but they are far from being ALL that I am. 

I read the books, took the courses, followed the gurus and bit by bit I started seeing life from a different angle.  I started discovering my spiritual self and felt called to pursue her and this, this is when the magic truly occurred!

I found Marconics Energy Healing and even though I didn’t quite understand it all at the time, I felt an urge, an attraction I can’t quite describe.  I received my Chakra Unification & Recalibration in November of 2016 and it was life changing for me.  Since then I’ve continued to deepen the knowledge of who I am and how powerful I truly am.  I’ve harnessed those powers and have created a life I deeply desired all those years ago.

Healing my multidimensional bodies has allowed me to release blocks, fears, limiting beliefs, karmic debri from this lifetime and past, all that no longer serve my highest good.  It’s allowed me to step into who I am here and now.  It’s allowed me to understand who I am and why I am here.

I am a multidimensional being, having a human experience, that’s who I AM!  There, I said it!  The struggles I’ve had in the past, were just stepping stones that allowed me to wake up.  I could’ve ignored the signs and the nudges and just continued on with my miserable self, but I chose to expand instead.  I chose to wake the fuck up!

Marconics has allowed me to heal and firmly step into the being I was always meant to be.  I couldn’t quite understand why I felt so depleted, so empty before, when I seemingly had an amazing life.  Now I understand.  Although I had it all on the outside, I didn’t have much going on inside, there was always something missing.

Living a life aligned, living your life on purpose is so incredibly different than simply going through the motions and accepting all that is, at face value.  When you begin to tap into the powers that reside within you, when you begin to create a life around unconditional love, non judgement, spiritual growth & connection, your reality can take a beautiful spin, pretty darn quickly.  When you begin to experience yourself as everything, yet nothing.  When you fully integrate all that you are and become her.

It’s not about leading a perfect life, because sometimes the density of this 3D environments kick in, and sometimes my ego rears it’s pesky face to tempt me.  This is where discernment is key, it’s about knowing that all of it is happening for me!  To allow you to expand a little more.  Sure, I’ll still get thrown curve balls, but I’m prepared to bat, no matter what!

I’ve done the work and I continue to do so each and every day, I’ve gone through the valleys, I’ve cried, I’ve laughed, I’ve dealt with shit I didn’t like and still do now and again…but the moment I re-align myself, the moment I release ownership of what’s going down,  I become the objective observer of the situation, in that moment, I am reclaiming my powers.

I am a firm believer that we create our realities.  I wake up each day ready to create something epic.   I connect to me at Source, because that’s where my answers lie.  I have zero doubt when it comes to who I am and what I stand for.  Today, there’s barely any teetering.  If there is, I check myself and re-align, as often as needed.

I stand strong behind who I am, I know that this reality is merely here to allow me to expand into who I was always meant to be.  I AM the Sovereign being that I was meant to be!

I’ve changed my definition of success greatly over the past few years.  My success now lies in the quality of life I create for myself and my family, the way I walk along side my children, allowing them to connect to themselves at Source, day in and day out, acknowledging the power within them.  It’s defined by the quality of my connection to me at Source, the impact I get to make while I’m in this world, the contributions I get to make while here.  This, this is where my success truly lies.

My life has changed in so many ways, even if to the outsiders, it may look the same.  I’m happy, truly and utterly happy!  Even when things are far from perfect, I’m so incredibly grateful for all of the experiences I’m presented with. I’m grateful for awakening and connecting to my true self, here during this lifetime.  I’m grateful that I don’t rely on anyone or anything outside of me for any sort of answers, because I always know.  I don’t rely on anyone but myself to create an existence of bliss, because I AM the creator of my own reality.

I am a multidimensional being of light having a freakin’ blast while here on earth…. ✌?

What about you???

If you’re curious about Marconics Energy Healing and what it can do for you, feel free to visit my website or reach out!  I’m here to assist!

Love & light as always,


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