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October 9, 2019


What does it mean to trust? We use this word a lot – “do you trust him?” “do you trust her?” but do we ever ask ourselves the question? “Do I trust myself?” “Do I trust in this vast existence that permeates my soul, that spills through my heart and that settles within my bones..

What does it even mean? To trust. Is it that if we know something will go in our favour, then we will know what trust is? Is trust conditional? Is trust dependent on everything working out the way we thought it would? Or is trust bigger than that? Bigger than our pains, bigger than our expectations, bigger than our greatest wounds that keep us tied, that keep us competitive, that keeps us chained to the physical world.

Trust has been a big piece of my work – not trusting myself, not trusting the ones I love. Cold. Afraid. Unable to love, unable to heal. I saw that as my path progressed deeper, this inability to trust wasn’t because something was wrong with me but had everything to do with not fully understanding what trust even was.

Sifting, layer by layer. The rejections, the abandonments, the comparisons.. All of the wounds that I was pushing down, pushing away  – the wounds that I wished weren’t apart of who I was but that were breeding under the surface, under the mask of pseudo trust I had cultivated.

After all of this time, I developed great insight, the insight that all of my shadows have been very source of fuel for my journey – my fire. The fire that will now, never burn out. The fire that dissolves the very shadows that gave it life and as I sit here and write this passage, I can see clearly now. The valleys of my life, the pieces that I tried to prove wrong are all apart of my cosmic destiny – the very destiny keeps me on my inner search, that propels me deeper and higher to my ultimate truth. And as we clear, heal, shift and sort, the door to trust opens for us and when that door opens, we must have great courage to walk through it. We must walk through with our hearts open, with our entirety rooted – rooted in the knowing that whatever happens is all apart of our divine process, is all apart of the journey to set you free, to set you higher and to set you deeper into the being you are meant to become.

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