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October 29, 2019

The battle between my external and internal.

There are times we face some pretty dark and gloomy moments in our lives. These moments were never meant to define you nor design you. They were not meant to define who you are as a person or who you were created to be. That responsibility was specifically assigned to your design potential. The blueprint of mankinds devine design. In other words what mankind was originally designed for & what you are specifically designed to do. Your design potential’s brilliant,luminous shining , glowing radiance was created to brighten even the most darkest of dark moments in your life. Furthermore, it was created to reflect bright ..A Higher Purpose. Not to allow circumstances to darken your hope, expection, your conversation, your presense or existence & performance. There is a light within you called your inner athlete and this athlete originates from your design potential.There are no external circumstances that you and your inner- athlete cannot fix. When you are in those dark spaces in life, it may be a sign of your inner- athlete’s craving for the fuel of wisdom to achieve A Higher Purpose!

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