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October 12, 2019

The Seven Stages of Twin Flame Conscious Romantic Relationship – Stage 7: Unity and Service

If we remember that we are all connected, the fact that two people come into a beautiful alignment by assisting each other to become the best possible version of their selves is bound to have a pebble in a pond affect. When two people are ‘in love’ then they will have an energetic impact wherever they go because their loving energy will be felt.  We often turn heads when we are out in public together. The thoughts, words and actions that arise from a unified heart have an energetic charge.  Two unified hearts together result in more than the sum of the parts and this energy can have a healing effect and will often be noticed by others.  This is one way that twin flame conscious relationship can be an act of service.

But beyond this, what is sometimes known as ‘the divine child’ will be birthed from the relationship of this twin flame union. A project or piece of work or a new path created by both together is common. When you are really in love, back home in your heart, you can’t help but want to contribute to the collective.

In our case the first divine child born was the book which I wrote which tells the story of our twin flame journey.  After we separated the first time I just knew I had to write, it was a case of I couldn’t not do it.

The strange thing was that the book kept bringing us back together. After three months of us not being in touch I contacted my twin because I knew I needed to let her know that I was writing, as the book would need her blessing.  I knew she was a very private person and even though it was written so that she was totally anonymous, it was possible that she might not like the idea.  We met up to talk about the book and the meeting showed us both that our journey together was not yet over and we agreed to start seeing each other again.

I knew that undertaking the writing of our story was to be an act of service, a contribution to the world because I felt that the world needed a love story written by a man that vulnerably shared his truth about the purpose and the healing that is part of conscious loving relationship.

The birthing / writing process took a while and once I had secured a publishing deal I got back in touch with my twin to let her know as I had said I would.  After nine months of separation we met to discuss my writing again and once again. Through our conversation and meeting we both shared that even after so long there was still love between us and we agreed to try being in relationship one more time.

I have heard of many other conscious couples creating beautiful things from their togetherness like a radio show, courses and retreats, community projects; a deeper level and contribution in service to the collective than they could have done alone.

My twin and I have big plans for men’s and women’s healing circles and workshops together.  These will also be birthed from our love and desire to empower and alleviate suffering in the world.

So this is the last step of the conscious romantic twin flame relationship.  There is a sense of ‘being home’ within us individually and together, that we have never experienced before.  We are excited about our future plans to serve the collective.  We have recently set up home together and our loving relationship, though not without its challenges, continues to deepen and grow.  It’s good to be home!

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