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October 22, 2019

The Space and Time : New Theory

The Space and Time (My new theory)

~Sumeru Ray (Maharshi MahaManas)

 All over the univers— a bubble like multidimensional, seemingly unobstructed or nearly unobstructed vacuum existence is called space.

This space existence came into being as the universe was created through the great explosion. And as the universe progresses, this space is gradually expanding.

This space is actually a special existence composed of invisible unperceived— extraordinary particles of a particular frequency. These particles, like ‘Stem cell’, themselves grow at a rapid rate when needed. Science has not yet been able to discover them.

In general, this space is an invisible unfelt non-existent existence to us. That is why it is called a great vacuum.

Therefore, this space is not absolute zero. Absolute zero lies outside the universe. In which the great creation and the universe inhabits.

Our space is not empty at all. In addition to its own existence, it is filled with various cosmic rays — energy, particles and radiation. It does not usually participate in various activities, including action-reaction, attraction and repulsion between those forces and particles. It is neutral— idle indifferent.

Not only that everything in the universe is inhabited by space, also there is space inside everything. In fact, space does not contain anything — neither does exclusion. It is like its own.

As the universe was created— in addition to space, two more indivisible unique virtual existences were created. That is ‘Time’ and ‘Destiny’ (please see ‘Time’ and ‘Destiny’ essay note). Some blend space and time together. But time and space are two distinct entities. The great relationship between time and space is that they are born from the same phenomenon.

Just like fish inside aquatic waters, so is our position in this space. There is space inside and outside— on all sides of us.

Some have described this unique space as different in their imagination. But none of them are the true form of this mysterious space. The space still remains intangible to us.

In this context, a small piece of a ‘Bangla’ poem I wrote at a young age was remembered!

‘How is this space!?

Frequently the same question—

Then I look for a while

With zero vision.

Can’t find anything—

How do I get it!

There is still a long way to go.

The chariot of creation

Is still in the dark.

It gropes the answer of

Self-inquiry. As a part,

That question is raised repeatedly inside me.’

To understand the space, one has to move forward from root— step by step. The original being is situated in absolute zero. And within it the space with the universe was born (see my latest cosmogony blog). At the beginning of my cosmogony, there is a brief description of the absolute zero. The description is as follows:

Absolute zero! The rootless endless formless actual zero. Not our known space. Beyond the area of the universe, beyond the territory of the original being— The everlasting vacuum that exists — that absolute zero!

Silent —  waveless— indifferent—

a non-existent existence. Within that unchanged— indestructible— steadfast zero, unable to access any moving material or energy from here.

The original being is situated in that absolute zero. And the great creation was born in that original being. This great creation is made up of a large number of universes. One of them is our universe.

In my cosmogony, there is a description of the original being as follows:

Original being lies at a certain limit in the middle of that absolute zero. The original being is mainly composed of the original particles— the absolute particles, and the original energies. It is also full of numerous joint particles and radiation, with the absolute conscious-mind (in philosophy).

The pre-great-creation like a fruit made up of many universe seeds is created through first explosion. And, at one time, there was a great explosion in the universe-seeds of this fruit like pre-superstructure. From which sprouted up— the universes are evolving like countless trees.

Different elemental particles and energies with different frequencies are created from original particle’s different levels of vibration. There are different type of programming codes (nearly similar to the computer programming code) at the core of the component of original particles and elementary particles.

It is important to mention here that the original particle has no ‘dimension’. The original particle is a virtual entity, created by that type of programming code or at the root of which is the special programming code.

Different particles of different frequencies created from the original particles are actually the embodiment of the latent programming code.

Eventually, when this cosmic collapse will take place, as soon as the space is destroyed.

The Time

Each active object has its own ‘Time’

~Sumeru Ray (Maharshi MahaManas)

From the movement or activeness of something, a virtual existence called ‘Time’ is born.

Cosmic time was born, with the creation of the universe through the Big Bang.

The time is~ Distance or interval between two events or two different states of a continuous event, which we perceive on the basis of a measurable virtual existence called ‘Time’ arising from an event occurring on a regular basis at a certain speed.

For example, we determine the time of an event based on the period of time produced from the Earth’s regular rotation.

Each dynamic or active object has its own time. Even though we are under the earth’s time, each of us has our own time. One’s own time is created on one’s own pace.

Is time a mere mental or a conceptual entity, or does it even have a reality!?

Whether one realizes it or not, time is in its own existence. In fact, sometimes people’s perception of time can be misleading.

Sometimes it may seem like a long time to someone.

Again, the opposite can happen.

For example, if a wheel is moving too fast, a viewer may notice that the wheel is moving slowly, and / or in reverse. This is an illusion of the viewer’s vision or a misconception of it. It is not real.

There are two types of relativity.

The first is the comparative judgment between multiple subjects. And the second is the comparison of one’s own different state. it is a comparative judgment with itself.

The relativity I am referring here is the relation of one’s own self of something. Here something with high mobility is compared to its relatively low speed state.

Slowing down of time of something means increasing its lifetime. Generally, if someone’s speed is higher or faster than before, then his or her speed of time will be faster. And as a result, his life expectancy will decrease. As the speed or activity of an object increases, its lifespan will be reduced due to greater decay.

But according to Einstein, if something is advanced faster than before, its time will slow down, and his life span will increase. Now the question is how his time slows down even though his own speed is not slowing down!

The time is~ Distance or interval between two events or two different states of a continuous event, which we perceive on the basis of a measurable virtual existence arising from an event occurring on a regular basis at a certain speed.

For example, we determine the time of an event based on the period of time produced from the Earth’s regular rotation.

If an object or something is slow or fast, it may take a long time or a short amount of time to reach one state (of event) to another state (of event), based on measurable time arising from another dynamic event.

But the moving object’s own time depends on its speed. There, if its speed slows down, its time will slow down as well. If its speed is fast, its time will also be fast. This will not be the exception or vice versa. That is, if its speed is fast, its time will not slow down.

If no external force is applied to a moving object, the ‘time’ generated from the motion of the object will remain normal. Its ‘time’ will not slow down.

When an object is in space (though not completely vacuum), its loss will be minimal. Its change will happen at a very slow pace. And its life span will increase. This does not mean that its time will be slow. Depending on its speed alone, its ‘time’ may be slow or fast.

But if the object is moving very fast, its attractiveness will be higher, its ‘gravity’ will be higher. As a result, a lot of cosmic particles will jump over it.

Its speed will be interrupted and its condition will be changed.

That high-speed object will gradually become filled with cosmic particles. That is, the amount of cosmic particles within it will continue to increase, and the natural state of the object will gradually change.

As a result, the life span of the object will be reduced. And the shorter the lifespan, the faster the time will be. Its time will come fast. Its time will running out fast.

According to conventional theory, the higher the gravity of something, the slower it will be over time. But if that

In this context, it is in the case of the highest dynamic light that its ‘time’ is created. To get to Earth from a galaxy far away, it takes a lot of time. That is to say, his ‘time’ has slowed down due to the high speed, it cannot be said.

If the light falls on a black object, it loses its light existence.

In addition, even if all the walls of a room are mirrored, after lighting the electric bulb, when the bulb is switched off, the light is turned off, the light will no longer exist in that room.

Time, space and Destiny were created simultaneously through the Great Explosion as the universe was created.

Although these virtual entities are interdependent and interconnected, they have their distinct existence.

Finally, a virtual entity called ‘time’ has come into existence as soon as the universe is created. When the universe is destroyed, the existence of ‘time’ will also be destroyed.

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