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October 20, 2019

To be hurt

I am learning to be uncomfortable with being uncomfortable,  rather learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. I have found myself making a home out of pain, making a nice soft dwelling within misery and scars. Sometimes I would pass by in the dark and say, “Hi first scar, you know reminiscing, i remember how I conceived you, when I lost the first man I was supposed to learn to love, see you around.” they were a constant, always there when I need them, forgetting how they take me back to the silent grief that soaks me in deep everytime the sun goes down.

I have always been an introvertedextrovert, an Oxymoron in a pile of  ‘morons’, to be honest I have seen my social disability as an opportunity to be exceptional and not sooo… Awkwardly unforgettable, like a miniseries can be written based on my awkwardness, “The tragic life of Patience the Joker-ress”, honestly I think it would be a hit.

Life lessons i peeled off from the world:

1.Boy crushes are still the worst, they f*cking hurt, even as a 23 year old

2.The government sucks, they create unrealistic expectations only to let people down

3. Haille Sellassie sounds like he was pretty awesome, where was that dude in my history? Instead i was only learning about Hitler and how Slavery interrupted African history – Mutoboruka nailed it

4. Aliens might or might not exist… I have theories pending, i don’t know

5.Sexuality is pretty f*cking fluid

6. Art is everywhere shame, it speaks in a language you are ready to receive it

7. Love can be pretty empty and fruitless…never gonna waste my time on that,

8.everything is war, and there’s a war we must win, against crocs…I can’t even begin

9. I’m pretty awesome despite mental illness

10. Not everything and everyone sucks, some people suck pretty hard but I love them either way, and sometimes warmed up pizza isn’t so bad, McDonald’s fries can only be had one time… Actually craving some

Anyway I love you guys, don’t make pain home…grow from yourself and don’t suck so hard

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