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October 15, 2019

Using affirmations to reprogram your subconscious

What is subconscious?

Right beneath your normalcy and your outright day to day conscious operations, there is another level of operation taking place called the subconscious operation, which controls the version of you that everybody sees and knows. If I’m to take an educated guess now, I would say that right now you’re probably holding your mobile device, running some apps, cracking some jokes, fulfilling your daily obligations, and living your normal life, but beneath this normalcy and consciousness is your subconscious mind – a very essential psychological component of who you are – busy working to keep you focused by accepting and repelling information based on the pre-existing knowledge you have about your environment. This pre-existing knowledge began forming when you were just a child. At that stage, your subconscious was busy accepting and soaking every information that is thrown at it, without rejecting any. Both positive and negative, your subconscious mind at childhood simply accepted every bit of information that came it’s the way. Now that you’ve grown, you probably feel bad when someone insults you or use abusive language on you – calling you names like an idiot, stupid, or crazy because your subconscious mind had stored that information when you were young – simply put, you’ve been programmed!

In truth, by now, you have a way of life, a habit, and a lifestyle, some of which you probably don’t fancy too much, and would like to change. Maybe you’ve become addicted to smoking, and it’s becoming a threat to your health, grown so fat and now you want to shed some weights, have a low self-esteem and now you want to exude more confidence in yourself, been using schemes like the Scottish IVA, too often, to deal with debts and now you simply want to be debt-free. Well, if you’ve been trying to reconfigure a lifestyle, but you’ve been failing, chances are you’ve been attacking the problem from a conscious perspective. So, why not approach it from the subconscious? Indeed, the secret to changing any habit or lifestyle is to reprogram the subconscious mind – after all, it is the one responsible for storing any information about your existing habit and lifestyle – by fuelling it with some new-fashioned information.


The power of affirmations

Having said all that, I’m sure you are now wondering and asking yourself, how do you access and reprogram your subconscious mind? Well, the answer to that isn’t farfetched.

A very good technique is the “method of affirmations.” Affirmations allow you to instil a new set of information into your subconscious mind while also empowering your abilities to sustain this new-found lifestyle. In simple terms, it is a way of storing only positive messages into your subconscious. However, affirmations require persistence, repetition, and self-belief, that is, you have to believe that you are in control, and you have what it takes to transform your current situation. Through persistence and repetition, affirmations strengthen your new intentions so deeply that it circumvents your conscious mind, and moves directly into your subconscious.


How do affirmations work?

If you want to remove a negative habit from your routine, and you want to embrace a positive lifestyle, affirmations can help you achieve that, indeed. But you have to be persistent to make it work. With every passing day, you will have to repeat the procedure of positive affirmations. By repeating it every day, you will install a new sense of positivity into your life, while also improving your confidence and self-esteem. To make your affirmations work, you should always try to write or say them in the present state, that is, with a sense of belief like they are already happening. That way, you are telling your subconscious that this is the new you, and in doing so, your subconscious will gradually start to store this new-found information, and in no time, it will reprogram your conscious mind, and you will find yourself incapable of doing those things you are dying to put an end to. For instance, while an IVA Scotland scheme can help you get you out of a particular debt, reprogramming your subconscious can help you steer clear of those debt-breeding packages in the first place.

Furthermore, to make the process of affirmations more effective, you can try to make yourself feel the emotions by acting it, displaying it, or just living it. For instance, you can place your hand over your chest as you say any of these mantras below:

  • I am in control of my thoughts
  • Henceforth, I am debt-free
  • All I have is positive thoughts
  • From the moment I open my eyes every morning, I am filled with empowering thoughts
  • I am an embodiment of ingenuity and creativity
  • I believe everything is possible with and for me
  • There is no limit to my abilities to conquer my challenges
  • I am powerful enough to transform my life by transforming my thoughts into positive ones
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