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November 20, 2019

Family Weekend Activities: How to Spend Time with Your Children

Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to be so busy during the week that you simply don’t have enough time to spend with your kids. We are all swamped with work in order to provide for our family and that often means that we barely see our loved ones. However, in case this is the situation in your household as well, you should make the most of your weekends. If you’re not really sure what your little munchkins would like, here is a list of some family activities that you can try out and find one that suits everyone in your family.

Cook and bake together

Getting children familiar with cooking and baking from a young age can really have a big effect on their eating habits later on in life. So, why not dedicate a weekend to this activity and see whether it is something that interests your kids? Maybe they even develop a love of cooking and want to become a chef when they grow up. When starting out, keep the recipes kid-friendly so that they can understand the most of it. Think of some tasks they can help you with depending on their age – mixing the ingredients, peeling the veggies, maybe even chopping them. Plus, if you’re super busy on workdays, this is a great way to do meal prep. You will be spending quality time with your kid and your family will have lunches for the next few days.

Tend to your garden

If you love gardening, maybe your child will also have a green thumb. Check with them whether this is something they would like to do with you and designate a part of the garden to their mini-garden where they can take care of their own plants. Teach them everything you know – from planting to harvesting. This activity will instill a sense of responsibility in them as they will have to pay attention to their garden. Plus, growing veggies might actually encourage them to eat healthier and appreciate the cooking process more.

Ride around town

For weekends when you’d like to leave the house, you can take your bikes and ride around town. You can go to a neighborhood you never visited before, on a ride next to a local river or to a nearby forest – the options are countless. Of course, if your kids are too young, you should safely put them on your bike. On the other hand, if they still don’t know how to ride a bike, you can teach them over one weekend. Instead of bikes, you can also consider scooters. Stores like Scooter Village have a wide variety of products you can choose from and they even offer customized scooters. Furthermore, make sure your kids understand that they can’t wander off on their own and don’t forget about the safety equipment, such as helmets, pads, and guards, to keep everyone out of harm’s way.

Go on a road trip

However, maybe exploring your town is not enough of an adventure. In that case, you can pack up some road trip essentials and visit a nearby city or some unique location that you’ve never been to. When choosing your destination, ensure there is something that will interest your children, as you surely do not want to make this trip without any plans in mind. Make sure to keep the kids entertained during the car ride, though, as it’s not uncommon that young ones become unruly on long travels. Give them some entertainment, either by playing games with them or letting them watch their favorite show.

Do arts and crafts

Arts and crafts are such a vast category of things that this basically means that you can do whatever you and your kids feel like and are good at. For instance, you can get some canvases and try your hand at painting. There are so many techniques out there, from acrylic pouring to pulled string art, that you will surely find one that suits you. Other options include papier-mâché, making Christmas decorations, learning to knit or sew, and so on. Basically, it doesn’t really matter what you decide to make, as long as you make it together.

Start exercising

The last activity we will mention is physical activity. Teaching your kids from a young age how important it is to stay active is essential. They don’t have to do any strenuous workouts but just 30 minutes a day can have a big impact on their wellbeing. Luckily, there are many ways how you can exercise together as a family. Other than riding bikes, you can try running or hiking. Plus, you can get some roller skates and cruise through your neighborhood. You can also join a dance class, go swimming or look for a local gym that offers programs for parents and kids.


Fortunately, the options you have when it comes to spending time with your family are truly endless. In addition to these six, you can also watch old movies, go to a sports game, visit the local zoo or aquarium, build airplane models, go to museums, etc. As long as you’re spending time together, it doesn’t matter what you do.

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