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November 2, 2019

ReInventing Yourself at Any Life Stage

On reinventing yourself:

We all have histories and a whole host of self beliefs, beliefs that shape our perception of ourselves and the world around us. Why not break the mold and try something new?

“I’m fat.” “I’m only a doctor and thats all I’ll ever be.” “I’m chronically depressed.” “I’ll always be a loser. I’m rich. I’m too scared to make a change.”

When we are born, our parents and families may have perhaps told us who we should be. We are raised to fulfill society’s expectations of us, influenced by perhaps our family of origin and upbringing. Perhaps our socioeconomic status affects our world view, or our choice of college and profession, and then it continues to influence us for a majority of our lifetimes.

“But I would/could never do that.”

The beautiful thing about life is that it can be like an artist’s canvas, free to manipulate as you so wish. Michael Jackson dyed his skin as an exaggerating example, yet what if we stopped being so stuck in our limiting world views and tried something new, for a change?

You can be anything you wish, at any time in your life. Just because you were an engineer for thirty years doesn’t mean you can’t suddenly up and quit your job, move to a deserved island and open up a business as an indigenous doctor of native peoples. Just because your parents were wealthy doesn’t mean you can’t minimize your yearly budget and live off of $700 a month in a tiny apartment, eating chicken soup and donating all unused funds to African refugees (but where is my money exactly going?). Just because you have bipolar disorder doesn’t mean you can’t try to find sanity. Just because you thought you would always be married to that one person, doesn’t mean you won’t meet someone in six months who will change your life more than anyone has before while you’re buying groceries in your worst outfit.

Re invent yourself. Wear that new color you always thought was too daring in a way that screams You, take a class in the subject your mom always told you you’d never be good at, change careers after paying for graduate school in a field you’ve realized you dislike… Even if it means settling for smaller wages, at first. Reinvent yourself. Be the person you always wanted to be. Stop looking longingly at those magazine pictures of super models and find a creative way to Be a supermodel yourself. Life is too short for excuses or settling for someone else’s idea of how you should live your life. Too short to make do with anything else but your dream life. Re invent yourself.

Society has a way of imprinting it’s ideals and values on people in limiting ways from childhood; why not think about your beautiful life-project for once on your own? Try writing out your limiting self beliefs and deepest dreams in a journal. Life’s a painting, in famous words, and you’re the artist. Every passing minute is a new blank slate, a chance to change your limiting self beliefs and your perspective. Diversity, inclusivity is everything. Keep an open mind.

Especially if you’re going through something which can be challenging like a life changing breakup, use it as a time to explore your true passions and interests. What is your calling as a human being? What do you stand for? Who do you truly want to be in this world? And how do you want to do it?

It’s about reinventing yourself. Being whatever and whoever you feel like being, even at any particular moment, and of course this may change from time to time. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, just like they say. And then, when you’ve transcended time and space, and become not who ones parents or society tells you to be but you scream your soul’s truth, because baby you were born that way, think outside the box and don’t be afraid to be the change you wish to see in the world.

This is for all of the unique human diamonds of the world, some more unscathed than others, diamonds in the rough. And remember, no human is average.

Jennifer Ashley lives in the foot hills of Massachusetts, and loves writing her way back to sanity, truth and hope. She worships the moon and cares about those who choose to indulge in the art project of being a human being for what it is: the simple act of being a human, and humanity.

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