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November 15, 2019

Ten best Ayurveda Herbs for Weight loss

Who doesn’t like the idea of having a flat belly?? We all do. There is no doubt most people have
struggled with their weight. We all go through some kind of diet discipline like going keto,
striving only on a fruit diet, and whatnot, just because we want to lose those extra kilos. But the
question is, don’t you feel that going through certain diets make you feel sluggish? And, you are
comprising of your health just to get a lean body that too regains it back with time.


However, our ancient science Ayurveda has some amazing remedies that will help you to
reduce weight naturally and holistically. It is a very effective medical science that has been in
India since ancient times, and now worlds also started recognizing. Ayurveda means knowledge
of life that means it is lifestyle, not just a trendy form of diet. Ayurveda believes that people
tend to gain weight due to an unhealthy diet, less exercise and irregular sleeping patterns, and
an unhealthy way of living. All these factors are connected, and all these things lead to weight
gain, or you can call it obesity. Obesity is a disorder where fat tissue increases and block the
channels of your digestive system that leads to further weight gain.
To cure this, we have listed some of our best ayurvedic herbs for weight loss which you can
consume in a balanced form will give you immense benefit:
Fenugreek ( methi): Fenugreek is loaded with immense health benefits. It improves your
digestion, which is one of the best ways to shed those extra kilos. It increases your
metabolic rate and the Galactomannan, a water-soluble component that is found in methi
curbs your hunger and makes you fuller for a longer duration. All you need to do is to soak
some fenugreek seed overnight and drink the water and chew the soaked seeds right when
you woke up.
Guggul: A gum-like substance that has been used in Ayurveda since ages. It is a wonderful
ayurvedic herb that has been used to treat high cholesterol. Guggul stands for the one
which protects you from diseases. It contains a guggulsterone that increases your
metabolism. Also, it improves your WBC counts, improves the function of your thyroid, and
increases your metabolism. You can consume guggle tea or guggul pills.
It works really well when it comes to treating obesity. A medicine that has been used in
Indian households most frequently is very beneficial for those who wanted to maintain their
BMI or body mass index. Use 3 to 5 mg of kalonji with warm water on an empty stomach for
the best result.
A traditional herb that is used to clear the blockages from your digestive system and
improves its functioning. It is a combination of three herbs, namely Bibhitaki, haritaki, and
Amalaki ( amala), all the herbs that have amazing rejuvenating and cleansing properties.
Triphala aids in healthy digestion along with the absorption of vitamins and minerals
necessary for the body. One can take Triphala powder twice in a day once on an empty
stomach and once in the night before sleeping.
Kalmegh: In Ayurveda, kalmegh is well known when it comes to herbs that cause weight
loss due to its penetrating and dry nature. It is very bitter in taste and purifies your blood. It

controls your obesity and curbs weight gain due to the properties of removing toxins from
our bodies.
One can easily notice changes in their weight after the regular usage of Ajwain. It corrects
your metabolic disorder and keeps your stomach happy. It also regulates free radicals from
our body. Also, it is safe for diabetic people to consume it. One can boil 2 tbsp with two
glass of water and let is reduced to half and consume this water twice in the day( morning
and before going to bed) for the best result.
Aloe vera:
Also known as Ghritkumari is a miraculous herb for weight loss. One can consume Aloe vera
juice on an empty stomach for weight loss, and it is recommended not to eat anything for at
least an hour after consuming it. This helps you in draining your excess body fat by increasing
your metabolism.
Black Pepper:
Pepper has piperine that enhances your fat metabolism. For the best result, you can add a
pinch of black pepper in your morning lemon honey drink, and it will give your metabolism a
Vrikshamala is one of the most powerful metabolic enhancer ayurvedic herbs. It blocks your
enzyme citrate that produces fat and also prevents the deposition of it. It controls your blood
cholesterol level and also raises your serotonin level that regulates your hunger.
It can be a game-changer in your weightloss journey. It is an ancient herb that is used to
control your blood sugar as it blocks the ability of your mouth to taste sweetness. This naturally
cut your craving for sweets, yet it maintains a healthy blood sugar level.
Now you have known ten best ayurvedic herbs for weight loss; it will be best to include
Ayurveda in your lifestyle for holistic wellbeing. Also, consuming these herbs in a balanced
will not harm you but will give you immense benefits.

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