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November 13, 2019

The Sacred Feminine and American Society as a Straightjacket

For decades, men have ruled the roost. Men are seen as providers, metaphorically sent out in to the wilderness to forage for food, sustenance, and the tools to survive, while women typically have been expected for generations to sit at home, and take care of the house and their children. Fast money, greed, power, head honcho careers – these are all male dominated concepts.

Yet isn’t there something more to male/female gender roles than just the typical? “Men should make money and have all the power, and women should only be subservient French maids.” In addition, men are usually political leaders: the great patriarchy, led currently by none other than the great man Trump himself; though some are of the opinion he has potential, let’s face it, he’s the King of patriarchy.

Correspondingly, we live in a patriarchal male dominated society of the every man: virtually emotionless at times, as newly minted adults fresh out of high school and college we are sent out in to the world to basically fend for ourselves. Going through a break up in the middle of your work day? Just found out your Mom has cancer? Had simply a rough day? It may be best, in today’s society go out into your car to cry instead of letting heart centered tears show in front of your male or female boss, in this strong, perpetually male dominated, “patriarchal” centered, perhaps outdated society.

A well known psychoanalyst once said, society in day to day life is like being “straight jacketed,” making an allusion to the outfit one wears in a mental hospital, buttoned up, controlled and medicated beyond belief, with no room for the mystical, the divine, the unseen world and the world of emotions and feeling, concepts which feminine essence exacerbates so naturally and easily.

The prototypical day in today’s corporate world: wake up to a beeping alarm, throw on a corporate suit, go to work, slave the day away for your higher ups and then come home after a male dominated day of pressure and stress to breathe heavily in to paper bag, have a glass of wine and then go to bed after checking the patriarchal dominated world news full of male dominated violence for another day.

This is why the concept and movement towards the Sacred Feminine is so needed in today’s society. We need the true essence of Women leadership. We must make sure to make room for the roller coaster situations of life, like having a good old “bad day,” by attenuating to the fact that hey, there actually is an opportunity for than one gender based role in today’s society and more than one way to be, lead and live life! Including, and not limited to, both positive and negative situations.

The Sacred Feminine… the appreciation of all it means to embrace the female’s role in society, and of course allowing, in the opposite of an uptight, male driven, power based patriarchal society, for the very feminine essence of fully experiencing one’s multifarious feelings and emotional repertoire. Because isn’t that what it means to be a female, to experience life through an emotional lens? The feminine matriarchy, unlike the male patriarchal society, makes room for the wide breadth of human emotion. In a woman dominated society, we are not straight jacketed to get through the day – we don’t excuse ourselves from business meetings to breathe in to paper bags – we can breathe, feel, and emote safely within the confines of this new society. To be a woman is to feel – and to know that we can express our emotions safely, and that they will be heard.

But are we truly ready to not only embrace the feminine, but take on feminine, matriarchal leadership, like having a female President?

Remember, embracing the Sacred feminine means appreciating all that the feminine woman creature has to offer, and supporting one another instead of tearing each other down. The patriarchy is upheld not only by men, but by women who refuse to come in to their own feminine power and light, their true feminine essence. It’s not just men who are pulling away from a future matriarchy, but women who are scared to face their own genius. The Sacred Feminine uprising: its new, it’s hip, it’s needed: look up the subject on google, there’s a breadth of information out there. Even additionally for the men that want to embrace their female side, this could apply to them too.

And yet until society can transcend the aforementioned limitations, such as women disrespecting other women, acting vindictive towards each other instead of fixing one another’s crowns, so to speak, perhaps it’s bring on more of the tried and true patriarchy in terms of leadership in the next Presidential election and the changing tides and/or plights of women all around the world.

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