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November 10, 2019

Why a lag-time in desires manifesting actually serves us

Imagine if bringing something into our present space-time was as easy as..1..2….3 ABRAKADABRA aaaand Voila!

Ideal, right? Everything coming to be at the snap of a finger.
But would it really though?

From the beginning of time, people have been speaking of “The Law of Attraction” and thoughts creating things.

As he thinketh, for so he is.

Remember that your thoughts are the primary cause of everything. It all starts in your mind.

Well, it probably roots from some place and could potentially hold true, right?
Speaking from experience, things have panned out in my favour too. Now, all you skeptics, can call it selective observation or just mere luck. But across the board, there are quite a few of us who can vouch for things materialising in more than one instance.

Either way, I suppose it’ll take a “coincidence” of the sort to make you believe should you vehemently oppose the thought. And for those of us who experience such occurrences, whilst holding the belief, it only further strengthens our trust.

Nevertheless, what happens when we’re waiting on something to transpire but its taking far too long. Days, weeks and months roll by but what we desire is nowhere in our current reality? Even the most optimistic of us, begin to have doubts creeping in.

However, what we don’t realise is that the delay between seeing our deepest desires come to life and thinking & feeling its thoughts actually…probably, in most cases at least (if not all), save our lives.

Truth is, it’s like we are given a grace period to actually fine tune, adjust and ascertain that what we are bringing forth (whether one is doing so consciously or not) is a hundred percent what we want.

Quantum Science has vouched for what mystics and scriptures for centuries have claimed – All possibilities, everything we imagine…exists, is real. Perhaps not in the realm or reality we are currently attuned to experience. But it’s there and it’s up to us to draw it forth into the current space-time.

Too complex? Simply put – You know how they say you cannot “imagine” an entirely new face, it’s always traits and aspects of multiple faces that one has come across over time, amalgamated into one. Similarly, back in the day when a man dreamed of flying for the first ever time, those around him prolly ridiculed him. However, because all that we can imagine, exists someplace; to bring it forth, (in this case) he had to innovate.

Ever recall thinking of scenarios that had an extremely low to a non-existent probability, nevertheless you obsessed about the “what ifs” involved? When you went off about things or situations, you would’ve liked to avoid? That which you fear could happen? Anxious ramblings and incoherent idiosyncrasies?

If there didn’t exist a lag time, just imagine what all would’ve possibly materialised and wreaked havoc?

So next time you find yourself wondering why something won’t happen for you, breathe believe and begin again…for be rest assured, if you’re holding onto the frequency – (whatever it is) it’ll arrive shortly.



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