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November 5, 2019

Why people leave us behind at certain points of our lives.

Why people leave us behind at certain points of our lives.

One day your life is fine and stable. You are surrounded with your beloved ones. Suddenly, things change. You find yourself alone , wondering about the causes that pushed  them away , blaming them for not being here with you, feeling sorry for yourself because you thought that your relationships meant to last forever. Let me tell you one thing; nothing ever  lasts  forever.

The point it is we can’t  blame people  for the degradation in the  bonds between us . Actually , we have to abandon the concept of the blame itself. This is the only way to grow and to continue. Every human’s life consists of multiple phases. With every phase comes a new personality and a new way of thinking. Looking closely toward ourselves when we were younger , surrounded by many people , most of whom are no longer there , can make us understand this concept . To clarify this point take teenagers who fall in love for example, at the beginning they usually start  their  relationship without imagine it could end . They hold the same vision toward the world , listen to the same songs , have the same beliefs. Well ,a few years later  if they meet by a chance ,probably they won’t recognize  each other . They grow up , meet another humans , hold different views and so on . Unfortunately, some people get stuck in a phase or another. They remain the same and refuse the change . So they start blaming others for not being the same people they used to be. The issue is , we have  to adapt  , staying the same could harm us. We have to change  because we deal with new options , new circumstances and refusing to adapt will make us stuck in the same old patterns. I know how painful  to be close to someone  then  they leave or no longer be the same old version of themselves  . However, the only thing that helps in this case is to accept it. So instead of wasting your time waiting for others to come back , why do not you take this as a chance to change. Their leaving give you a space to transform to be better. Take this chance to shed your old skin and remember  what Friedrich Nietzsche said “ the snake that cannot  shed its skin perishes”.

Warning: between phases you have to remain calm and strong, feeling lonely is not an excuse to let the wrong people enter to your life.

Well now you start to accept this ugly process , what exactly should you do ?

At first you have to set a target to hit. Whether it is a new healthy habit , or a new life style. Whatever is this, make sure it is something that serve your well-being. Just imagine a better version of yourself then put a plan to reach it.

Then embrace the emptiness in your life. These moments of silence will help your mind to see things clear. In emptiness you can clarify your mind and think deeply about your life. Your mind will surprise you.

Do not spend your days imagining them here with you. This is so important , face yourself with the reality that they are not here . accept the fact that you are a lone because denying reality will have negative impacts on your mind.

One last thing, put one thing in your mind, there are many more amazing people you did not meet yet. Maybe one day you will find yourself with better humans and you will be grateful for the whole process.

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