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December 12, 2019

3 Lessons I’ve Learned from Baby Yoda…

… And How They’ve Helped Me as an Entrepreneur.

About a week ago I started watching the Mandalorian. And if you notice the timing of my start, you might be able to guess what drew me to the show. Of course it was Baby Yoda. I am THE person that characters like Baby Groot, Porgs, Minions and Baby Yoda were created for. I will buy all the things!

So when Baby Yoda started popping up all over the internets I was all in. How freakin’ cute is he?! Scenes in the show that don’t have Baby Yoda are useless to me. Seriously, they need to find a magical way for him to survive every single situation imaginable. It doesn’t need to be realistic, I can suspend all disbelief on this one. Seriously all disbelief has been preemptively suspended as long as Baby Yoda can be in every single scene!

But in all seriousness, Baby Yoda has actually taught me some very useful lessons when it comes to my business. That little guy is so much more than a cute face!

Here are three of them:

1. Listen to your intuition.

You do have the answers even when it seems like everything about the situation is screaming: RUN, RUN FAR and RUN FAST!

You would think that the first thing Baby Yoda should’ve done upon meeting Mando was use his super awesome force to freeze him so that he could get away. But he didn’t, because he knew that Mando was his friend, long before Mando himself knew.

In the same way, you know when you’re on the right track. Calm the voices in your head and be patient, you will get there.

2. Don’t dismiss help.

Sometimes your well-meaning friends and family offer you advice, especially when you’re a new entrepreneur. You might listen and smile and even nod as if you’ll take it into consideration, but on the inside you’re thinking: You have no idea what you’re talking about! URG!

Instead of brushing the well-meaning help aside, take a moment and listen. If the advice doesn’t work for you directly, does it possibly inspire something new?

In the same way, if someone tries to sell you something that might be helpful to your new biz, rather than instantly deleting the e-mail or scrolling by the message, why not take a moment and listen? It can’t hurt. You can always say no.

You might already know which episode I’m referring to here. If not, it was the one when we were all thinking: NOOO… he’s trying to help you. That would be so much less painful if you would just let him!

3. Know your value. Know your worth. Stop hiding.

Disney is saying they didn’t create the Baby Yoda toys so that they could make sure he was a complete surprise for everyone when the show came out, which would create buzz around the character. Hmmmm…. Maybe. I dunno. But, don’t they have NDAs for that?

Ah well… it still taught me a good lesson. Recognize your Awesome. Stop hiding your goods from a world of people who may want to buy what you’ve got to sell, not just because they want to support you, but because what you have to offer will benefit their life.

So shout out what you’ve got from the roof tops! Tell everyone you know and don’t be shy about. Get out there and make sure everyone who may need you, knows exactly where to find you.


Original painting by @tysondrawsstuff


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