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December 10, 2019

5 Home Remedies to Manage Head Pain

We lead stressful lives, and all that stress can create physical symptoms. It’s not uncommon for ongoing tension and stress to lead to a headache. However, there’s a difference between a headache and a migraine – and you will know for certain if you have a migraine because of the intense pain and sensitivity to light and sound.

Migraine pain can be debilitating. If you have recurring migraines, you should inform your physician immediately. Until you visit the doctor, or if you’re suffering only from mild headaches, there are few things that you can try to alleviate your pain.

Here are five home remedies you can try for managing head pain. If you don’t find relief, talk to your doctor as soon as possible.

  1. Manage Your Environment

If you suspect that your headaches are stress-induced, then one of the best ways to reduce their frequency is to remove sources of stress. Think about when you’re most likely to get headaches. Is it when you work late? Or when you feel overwhelmed by your to-do list?

Working backward in this way can help you manage your environment, and in turn, manage your headaches. Try to carve out more time for rest and relaxation, plan and take control of your day the night before, and try relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation for stress-busting. Exercise can also help you manage your stress levels.

  1. Try a Hot or Cold Press

Need immediate relief from a headache or migraine? Try using temperature to control your symptoms. Heat or cold therapy can both help to reduce headache pain.

If you’d like to try cold therapy, used a bag of frozen vegetables or an ice pack wrapped in a towel. For heat, a heating pad on low, a warm compress, or even a hot shower can help. Your body will give you cues on which type of temperature therapy will be most effective in the moment.

  1. Improve Your Posture

 You might be surprised to learn that your posture can have an impact on tension headaches. Why? Because when you hunch or slouch, you’re introducing extra muscle tension that can lead to headaches.

Today, many of us work at stressful desk jobs that can lead to poor posture and headaches. Long-term, perfecting your posture can help you to experience fewer headaches. Good posture can also help to prevent back and neck pain that can develop from chronic slouching.

For better health, pull your shoulders back and sit up straight!

  1. Give Essential Oils a Shot

Many chronic migraine sufferers swear by the concentrated power of essential oils for relieving headache symptoms. While everyone responds differently to essential oil therapy, it can be quite effective. Oils like lavender and peppermint are go-to choices for headaches.

How do you use essential oils? You can try them in several different forms. Some people find that an essential oil diffuser for aromatherapy is helpful. Others find that using the oils topically or internally is more effective. If you choose either of these options, make sure that the oil is safe for skin or internal use, as purity and potency can vary.

It may take some experimentation to find out if essential oils can help you. Try different methods and see what works best!

  1. Stay Fueled Up

In a world of never-ending responsibilities, it’s easy to forget to feed your machine. Some foods are much better than others when it comes to controlling headache pain, however. Junk foods aren’t great for your health and may encourage inflammation, so sticking with a healthy diet is key for managing your symptoms.

Foods that can help to reduce headaches include plants and spices with anti-inflammatory properties, such as dark red and purple fruits, green leafy vegetables, ginger, and turmeric. Salmon and other foods rich in omega-3 can also help.

Don’t Let Headaches and Migraines Affect Your Life!

Migraines are a health condition that can prove especially troublesome for women. Traditionally, women have kept the family unit running smoothly, and often still shoulder many domestic responsibilities. Frequent migraines and headaches can make it difficult for them to juggle work and domestic responsibilities. Finding relief is key.

If you struggle with chronic migraines or tension headaches, it’s important to seek out treatment. Home remedies are a great place to start, but if they aren’t working then it may be time to seek help from a healthcare professional. Remember, headaches don’t have to rule your life!

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