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December 26, 2019

empathy = leadership paradigm needed NOW


who is capable of empathy is equipped for leadership.

everyone else needs to either be removed (provocative but honest and with all of my compassion at heart to the greater good of all) or trained (which involves – trauma resolution and deep inner transformation) and guided.

we’re admidst highly transformational times – which you could compare to ptsd programm running the show – AND if we want to continue to run the show on angst, on scarcity on fear, then: go aHEAD. push the destruction button further on.

if we want to live the change; THRIVING in COCREATION we need to embody heart-brain-coherence capable leadership.

what I’m asking for is:

  • a check of empathy capability in leaders (what is possible on a biological level? is heart and brain coherence the farest we’re on that one? I did research on empathy measurement and did not find something concrete. who knows of a test? heart math institute stated: “Hello! Thanks for the question. There are biological and physiological signatures of emotion but they are rather broad. Today’s technology isn’t sensitive enough to identify emotion so precisely. You can measure that someone is in a state of compassion, for instance, through their HRV (heart rate variability) readings, but it’s not biologically distinguishable from a similar positive heart-based emotional state such as appreciation. Hopefully we will be able to more accurately measure refined  emotional states as technology improves and becomes more sensitive in the future! Take care ?”)

Yes, I do take care. Do you?

sidenote/thought: if technology isn’t yet as sensitive enough to measure / identify empathy how the heck are we already building robots that interact with vulnerable people (elders f.e.) ? shouldn’t we wait until that’s the case? seriously, I’m gobsmacked. are you?

  • if person fails empathy check:

    – training is a must then (removal of blockages that prevent compassion, empathy – trauma resolution, breathwork, somatic experience)

    – person gets an empathy pro by their side to be guided in decision making

    – if person doesn’t see embodying empathy as a must – person gets removed (with gratitude)


how can we give so much trust to people who don’t actually feel other creatures?

how can we cocreate a bright future and present if the person in the executive, ceo even cfo (you name it) seat is far far away from feeling into people?

where gratitude for all the geniuses that are embodying plain patriarchy – the status quo of all giant corporates – comes in:

I’m thankful for the mind driven geniuses that brought us to the achievements we have now. all the luxury. the convenience. thank you.

but now it’s time to say thank you AND lead change with an integral human approach.

how is charisma the guiding light?

we don’t need plain charismatic leaders we need leaders with compassion and a system that does have an integrated approach.

sidenote: I myself also fall for charismatic humans especially those that tell all the right things. LISTEN if someone only tells you what your mind applauds to – in any corner of your mind – they might just do that to get further. they might not be connected to themselves and therefore be able to connect to you on a deep level at all. they create words that resonate thats all. no authenticity. they might well be able to create a show of authenticity and drop some “truth bombs” here and there and seem authentic AND charismatic and are not. AND it’s no ones fault. it actually has it’s root in missing connection – real connection in early developmental stages. they learned to approve and deliver contructs for the outside world. it’s not about embodying. so it’s a program run to fulfill it’s own agenda. an automatism. a destructive one.

now we’re in a time where we need to turn inwards and lead the way from this place. no secure spot to tap onto only moving pebbles all around – cause the big picture is restructuring itself aka transformation – so what we need are connected & deeply rooted in self (heart +mind in alignment) beings.

we need to improve on the inner plane now more then ever – so let’s bring in beings that master this.

we don’t need more fancy glitter that polutes our very own environment.

we need sparkling heart essence! to illuminate what we are capable of together not separated by hierarchical structures to feed the angst and scarcity program.

compassion based cocreation – and we all got way to go on this – don’t get me wrong. I’m a student & master myself.

though we need to implement NOW. NOW ist the time:

I ask all leaders who have a hard time to actually •feeling life• feeling their employees• feeling the connection to planet earth (which YES she is a f****** breathing ecosystem, a divine being) to step up and ask for help and guidance from highly sensitive people so we get to cocreate a manmadeworld we really want to actually inhabit and don’t have to distract us non stop (tech tech tech) from but actually crave to experience and let tech be a helpful tool but not our f****** way of existence.

and I ask us as humanity to make empathy the topskill you got to embody to be in a leading position. I ask for this update NOW.




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