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December 9, 2019

How Does Hair Therapy Boost Our Mental Well Being?

Nothing is as easy to notice as a limping man, a blind young boy, or even a frail mum being guided through her footsteps. We often notice them more than anything else because our minds have been conditioned to see others the way we appear. So today, if you come across a deaf person, it would be difficult to notice unless you engage them in a conversation.

Alarming statistics of mental illness

It is normal to give attention to physical appearances faster than anything else. However, this type of behavior has made us ignore a very critical part of our population. You can’t see mental illness, can you? We continue ignoring a matter as grave as mental illness, yet it is one of the leading causes of mental disability worldwide.

According to WHO, one in four people will be affected by mental disorders in their lives. It also states that around 450 million people suffer from the disease worldwide.

So what exactly is mental health? Mental health is a broad term that generally refers to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. We all think of madmen on the streets when we hear the word mental illness. However, mental health issues could refer to problems that range from unhappy feelings to more common issues such as anxiety and depression. Bipolar disorder is now a more severe diagnosis of mental illness.

What is hair therapy?

Hair therapy or hair care is a general term for personal hair hygiene and cosmetology. It involves facial and body hairs, in addition to the hair on the head. Hair therapy may differ from one individual to the other, depending on their culture and physical appearance. Hair therapy could be in the form of trimming, hairdo, shaving, or even just coloring. It all depends on a person’s choice and preference.

What’s the connection between hair therapy and mental well-being?

What usually comes to your mind at the mention of a stylist? A barber, a random hair doer, or just your everyday saloonist. Imagine this. You go to the salon for a hairdo that goes for more than five hours. In between these hours, do you keep silent and wait for the saloonist to complete her job?

Let’s be honest and in a broader way. Hairstylist, knows just too much about you and your hair problems than you do. They are to you what your nanny is to your kid. I mean, they spend the whole day with your child. How could they miss to know your kids then? Back to the hairdresser. Most people who visit a hairstylist, not only end up having their hair done, but also their emotional problems half solved, yet fully shared.

When we go to a hairstylist, we end up getting two or more services than we asked for. The two most common are hairdressing or haircut and therapy. I have a lady friend of mine who has been doing hairdressing for close to ten years. She tells me of countless clients who have asked for therapeutic pieces of advice apart from just being shaved or having their hair styled. Moreover, she was quick to point out that most ladies often preferred Hairstyles for long hair. The reason is that the hair falling on their back leaves them more relaxed and confident.

To care for your hair is to invest in your confidence and happiness massively

Hair has always been tied to health. We have all heard stories and experienced how the loss of hair in men and women drains their ego and generally affects their confidence. What about dandruff that continuously robs your soft hair to color it with some unpleasant white substance. You know what that can do to your confidence.

We have seen women who shave their hair branded as cancer patients. While it could be true in some instances, the general misconception points towards a bias for people without hair.

So whichever way you decide to make your hair, do remember that it affects your confidence levels. Low confidence is one of the major causes of mental illness.

Last word:

Get to build a relationship with your stylist in the same way you do with your doctor. Open to them gradually and let them know how to help with the therapy after making your hair.

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